That's me

Welcome on the Homepage of Andreas Voigt

Im Labor.

Since September 2005 I am an associate assistant at the chair of Process Systems Engineering of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.
From November 2003 till August 2005 I was working at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg, Germany.
From 2000 till August 2003 I have been a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Center for Simulational Physics in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Georgia in Athens/GA, USA.

Latest update July 2024:

Completed: Lectures in SoSe2024.
Finished: C(arnot)C(ycle)R(iders)@A(cademic)B(icycle)C(hallenge): Top10@OVGU!.
Swinging: Jazz with muMPItz @FdlM2024.
Running: CCR @Firmenstaffel2024.
Updated: Publications.
Preparing: Schülerpraktikum Ostern 2025.

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Home Disclaimer Datenschutzerklärung Process Systems Engineering Magdeburg OvG-University Magdeburg Center for Simulational Physics UGA Dep. of Physics and Astronomy UGA University of Georgia, Athens/USA

©Andreas Voigt Last modified: 12th of July 2024