crossword puzzle generator CROSSO

CROSSO is a platform independent program written in C for automatic creation of crossword puzzles. You have to choose the size and a word database to create a puzzle. The program outputs the puzzle in text-, xfig- or xml-format. The xfig-format can easily be converted in various other formats like postscript, latex, html, jpeg, pdf, png, pnm and other formats using fig2dev from transfig package v3.2 coming with your favourite linux distribution. The xfig-file can also be edited using Xfig 3.2 before further conversion and printing.

snapshot crossword puzzle, png, 4k

Snapshot (deutsches Kreuzwortraetsel, 6x6)

Whats good for?



Extract from package crosso-VERSION.tgz using tar and gzip. Enter the crosso-path and type make. Try ./crosso -h for further help.



Before year 2005 use of CROSSO is only allowed if you send a list of 32 or more new valid data records (see list1.dat) for CROSSOs database to the author. The top contributors for most data records will be honored in the author list below. From year 2005 or if the database coming with CROSSO will exceed 262144 (2^18) words, CROSSO can be used under GNU General Public License.

Author and honored contributors

Other riddles/puzzles

Find the right digits. This riddle is generated by calcu which is included in the package of crosso. Have fun!

snapshot digits riddle, png, 6k

Snapshot (find the right digits)

    ToDo: math learn website, animated gif + select button a...e