
- Apr 2014: Portrayal
("Steckbrief") in newspaper "Magdeburger
Volksstimme" (19.04.14)
- Mar 2013: Watching comet Panstarrs, TV prime time state news,
aired 18.03.2013
- Feb 2013: Meteor over Chelyabinsk (Russia), interview for MDR
Sachsen-Anhalt (German radio), aired 15.02.2013
- Feb 2013: Flyby of asteroid DA14, interview for MDR
Sachsen-Anhalt (German radio), aired 15.02.2013, mp3
- Jan 2013: Extrasolar planets, interview for MDR Sachsen-Anhalt
and WDR Funkhaus Europa (German radios), aired 09.01.2013 mp3 (mdr), mp3(wdr)
- Jan 2013: How does a submarine work? TV show "Einfach Genial",
MDR (german TV), aired 15.01.2013, link
- Dec 2012: The Mayan "Apocalypse", interview for MDR Figaro
(German radio), aired 21.12.2012, mp3
- July 2012: Higgs particle, interview for MDR Sachsen-Anhalt
(German radio), aired 05.07.2012, mp3
- May 2011: Traveling the Milky Way, interview for MDR Figaro (German radio), aired 27.05.2011 in "Reisejournal", mp3
- Dec 2009: Star of Betlehem, Interview for MDR Figaro (German radio), aired 12.12.09, mp3
- May 2006: License to Solve, portrayal in newspaper "Magdeburger Volksstimme" (02.05.06)
- November 2004: Talk: Introduction to Quantum Computing (german, 1 MB gzipped Postscript)
- July 22nd 2004: proud owner of (half) a solar power plant
- June 8th 2004: Explaining the Transit of Venus in german
television and in the local newspaper.
The videos: news at noon (68 MB) and
prime time news (50 MB)
- Most visited part of this webspace: TSP algorithms in action