Scientific talks
- 11/2021: Injective linear systems on complex projective varieties,
Oberseminar Algebra, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. (Abstract)
- 11/2021: Functorial construction of tautological systems for homogeneous spaces,
Seminar on D-modules and applications, University of Bayreuth, Germany. (Abstract)
- 07/2020: Computational Algebraic Analysis in Statistics,
International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS), TU Braunschweig, Germany. (Abstract)
- 10/2019: Injectivity of linear systems on projective varieties,
Oberseminar Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik, TU Chemnitz, Germany. (Abstract)
- 06/2019: Lattice polytopes and their injection dimensions,
Summer School on Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
- 05/2019: Injection dimensions of projective varieties,
4th Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics (ASGARD), University of Oslo, Norway. (Abstract)
- 12/2018: Detecting tropical defects of polynomial equations,
Seminar on Nonlinear Algebra, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. (Abstract)
- 07/2018: Injective projections of Segre–Veronese varieties,
Joint meeting of the UMI, SIMAI and PTM, Wrocław, Poland. (Abstract)
- 08/2017: Rational invariants for orthogonal equivalence of homogeneous polynomials,
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Atlanta, USA. (Abstract)
- 05/2016: The Cone Conjecture for varieties of Calabi–Yau type,
Polish Algebraic Geometry mini-Semester, Warsaw, Poland.
Scientific posters
Last change: December 03, 2021