ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4507-5677

Paul Görlach's articles on arXiv

All articles listed here are freely available in their final form on arXiv. Published versions may differ (only!) in layout and typesetting.


  1. Paul Görlach, Thomas Reichelt, Christian Sevenheck, Avi Steiner and Uli Walther: Tautological systems, homogeneous spaces and the holonomic rank problem, arXiv:2211.05356, November 2022.
  2. Paul Görlach: Injection dimensions of projective varieties, arXiv:1905.11306, May 2019.


  1. Paul Görlach, Yue Ren and Leon Zhang: Computing zero-dimensional tropical varieties via projections, computational complexity, Volume 31, Issue 1, May 2022. Final version also available at arXiv:1908.03496v2.
  2. Paul Görlach, Christian Lehn and Anna-Laura Sattelberger: Algebraic analysis of the hypergeometric function 1F1 of a matrix argument, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, Volume 62, pp. 397-427, June 2021. Final version also available at arXiv:2005.06162.
  3. Maria Donten-Bury, Paul Görlach and Milena Wrobel: Towards classifying toric degenerations of cubic surfaces, Le Matematiche, Volume 72, Issue 2, pp. 537-557, September 2020. Final version also available at arXiv:1909.06690.
  4. Papri Dey, Paul Görlach and Nidhi Kaihnsa: Coordinate-wise powers of algebraic varieties, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, Volume 61, pp. 473-505, September 2020. Final version also available at arXiv:1807.03295.
  5. Paul Görlach, Yue Ren and Jeff Sommars: Detecting tropical defects of polynomial equations, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, November 2019. Final version also available at arXiv:1809.03350.
  6. Paul Görlach, Evelyne Hubert and Théo Papadopoulo: Rational invariants of even ternary forms under the orthogonal group, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Volume 19, Issue 6, pp. 1315–1361, December 2019. Final version also available at arXiv:1707.09979.
  7. Paul Görlach, Cordian Riener and Tillmann Weißer: Deciding positivity of multisymmetric polynomials, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 74, pp. 603-616, May–June 2016. Final version also available at arXiv:1409.2707.


Last change: January 19, 2023