apl. Prof. (i.R.) Dr. rer. nat. habil. Frank Werner

Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg

Institut für Mathematische Optimierung

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Die nachfolgenden Listen enthalten 374 erschienene und 8 akzeptierte Veröffentlichungen (teilweise mit Download-Möglichkeit) sowie einige Aktivitäten in Vorbereitung (Preprints / Working Papers). Die (gedruckt und/oder online) erschienenen Veröffentlichungen umfassen ausschliesslich begutachtete Arbeiten: Lehrbücher, Monographien, Buchbeiträge, Zeitschriftenartikel und Konferenzbeiträge sowie ausserdem Rezensionen für Zeitschriften. Weitere Preprints zum Herunterladen findet man unter den Preprints der FMA hier oder unter DNB.
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Publikationsdetails und Zitationsübersichten aus den Datenbanken Scopus, Lens.org und Web of Science (WoS):

SCOPUS: Scopus (Author ID: 7102647088) enthält gegenwärtig 219 meiner Arbeiten (und 8 Preprints) aus dem Zeitraum 1986 - 2025, welche insgesamt 4417 mal zitiert wurden in 3428 Arbeiten. Mein gegenwärtiger SCOPUS h-index ist 36.

LENS.ORG: Lens.org (Author ID: 434416642) enthält gegenwärtig 234 meiner Arbeiten aus dem Zeitraum 1986 - 2025, welche insgesamt 4622 mal zitiert wurden. Mein gegenwärtiger Lens.org h-index ist 39.

WoS: Web of Science (core collection) (Author ID: D-5492-2013) enthält gegenwärtig 170 (plus 21 weitere in Web of Science indizierte Arbeiten aus dem Zeitraum 1988 - 2025, welche insgesamt 3485 mal zitiert wurden in 2718 Arbeiten. Mein gegenwärtiger WoS h-index ist 32.

DIMENSIONS: Dimensions (Profil) enthält gegenwärtig 233 meiner Arbeiten aus dem Zeitraum 1986 - 2025, welche insgesamt 4418 mal zitiert wurden. Mein gegenwärtiger Dimensions h-index ist 36.

(Stand: 9. März 2025;   ein h-Index (Hirsch Index) von k besagt, dass von den in der entsprechenden Datenbank enthaltenen Artikeln des betreffenden Autors mindestens k Arbeiten jeweils mindestens k-mal von anderen Arbeiten zitiert wurden).

Google Scholar: Mein gegenwärtiger Google Scholar h-index ist 56 (Zitationen der Arbeiten) und mein ResearchGate h-index ist 44 (Zitationen der Arbeiten).

ORCID: 0000-0002-0709-3591 (338 Arbeiten mit Download-Möglichkeit)

Exaly: 2734450

AD Scientific Index 2024: 1762463

Research.com: Profil

Scilit: 6692393

Loop/Frontiers: 1826211

Ausserdem sind 127 meiner Arbeiten aus dem Zeitraum 1986 - 2024 im Zentralblatt für Mathematik und 116 meiner Arbeiten aus Zeitraum 1986 - 2024 in den Mathematical Reviews gelistet.

  Erschienene Veröffentlichungen   (374)

(Die nachfolgenden ISI Journal Impact Factors beziehen sich jeweils auf das erste Jahr nach der Publikation, wenn die Zitationen des jeweiligen Artikels in die Berechnungen einfliessen oder, falls dieser noch nicht verfügbar ist, auf den aktuellen Impact Factor 2023. Ein analoges Mass ist der Elsevier CiteScore factor, siehe hier).


  • Hamadneh, T.; Batiha, B.; Al-Baik, O.; Montazeri, Z.; Malik, O.P.; Werner, F.; Dhiman, G.; Dehghani, M.; Eguchi, K.: Spider-Tailored Horned Viper Optimization: An Effective Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Engineering Applications, erscheint in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2025, 25 - 35, DOI: 10.22266/ijies2025.0229.03 (download pdf)  (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,2).

  • Hamadneh, T.; Batiha, B.; Gharib, G.M.; Montazeri, Z.; Werner, F.; Dhiman, G.; Dehghani, M.; Jawad,, R.K.; Aram, E.; Ibraheem, I.K.; Eguchi, K.: Orangutan Optimization Algorithm: An Innovative Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Approach for Solving Engineering Optimization Problems, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2025, 47 - 57, DOI: 10.22266/ijies2025.0229.05 (download pdf)  (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,2).

  • Dolgui, A.; Lemoine, D.; Restrepo, M; Werner, F. (eds.): Scheduling Theory and Algorithms for Sustainable Manufacturing, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 12 erschienene Arbeiten) (Editorial)  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8;   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis').

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications, Special Issue in Mathematics, 2023  (CFP und 11 erschienene Arbeiten) (Editorial)  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,3; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0, Q1 in 'Mathematics: General mathematics')).

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F. (eds.): Metaheuristic-Driven Optimization Algorithms: Methods and Applications, Special Issue in Computers, Materials & Continua (CFP und 17 bereits erschienene Arbeiten);  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,0; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 5,3).

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Hosseinzadeh, M.; Werner, F. (eds.): Engineering Applications of Optimization Algorithms: Heuristics, Metaheuristics, and Hyperheuristics, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 2 bereits erschienene Arbeiten).

  • Rossit, D.; Werner, F.; (eds.): Mathematical Methods and Operations Research in Planning, Scheduling and Supply Chain Operations Management, Special Issue in Mathematics,  (CFP und 4 bereits erschienene Arbeiten)  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,3; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0, Q1 in 'Mathematics: General mathematics')).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): 2024 and 2025 Selected papers from Algorithms's Editorial Board Members, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP and 8 bereits erschienene Arbeiten) (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8;   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis')).

  • Dolgui, A.; Lemoine, D.; Restrepo, M; Werner, F. (eds.): Scheduling Theory and Algorithms for Sustainable Manufacturing, mdpi books, Reprint des Special Issue in Algorithms, Februar 2025, 222 Seiten; ISBN 978-3-7258-3164-7 (Hbk), 978-3-7258-163-0 (PDF), DOI 10.3390/books978-3-7258-3163-0   (download Buch).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications, mdpi books, Reprint des Special Issue in Mathematics), Februar 2025, 232 Seiten; ISBN: 978-3-7258-3160-9 (Hbk), 978-3-7258-3159-3 (PDF), DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-3159-3   (download Buch).


  • Zabihian-Bisheh, A.; Vandchali, H.R.; Kayvanfar, V.; Werner, F.: A sustainable multi-objective model for the hazardous waste location-routing problem: A real case study, Sustainable Operations and Computers, Vol. 5, 2024, 1 - 14; DOI: 10.1016/j.susoc.2023.11.001 (download pdf)  (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 18,2).

  • Elidrissi, A.; Benmansour, R.; Hasani, K.; Werner, F.: Scheduling on parallel machines with a common server in charge of loading and unloading operations, Computers & Operations Research; Vol. 167, 2024, 106638, 20 Seiten; DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2024.106638 (download pdf) (journal impact factor 2023: 4,1; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 8,6).

  • Madhu, G.; Bonasi, A.M.; Kautish, S.; Almazyad, A.S.; Wagdy Mohamed, A.; Werner, F.; Hosseinzadeh, M.; Shokouhifar, M.: UCapsNet: A Two-Stage Deep Learning Model Using U_Net and Capsule Network for Breast Cancer Segmentation and Classification in Ultrasound Imaging, Cancers, 16 (22), 2024, 3777, 20 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/cancers16223777 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 4,5, Q1 in 'Oncology'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 8,0).

  • Shokouhifar, M., Hasanvand, M., Moharamkhani, E., Werner, F.: Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Feature Fusion Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis using Tabular Data, Algorithms, 17 (1), 34, 2024; 23 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/a17010034 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8;   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis').

  • Abu Falahah, I.; Al-Baik, O.; Alomari, S.; Bektemyssova, G.; Gochhait, S.; Leonova, I.; Malik, O.P.; Werner, F.; Dehghani, M.: Frilled Lizard Optimization: A Novel Bio-Inspired Optimizer for Engineering Applications, Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2024, 3631 - 3678; DOI: 10.32604/cmc.2024.053189   (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,0; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 5,3).

  • Garcia-Mata, C.L.; Burtseva, L.; Werner, F.: Scheduling of Automated Wet-etch Stations with One Robot in Semiconductor Manufacturing via Constraint Answer Set Programming, Processes, 2024, 21 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/pr12071315 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,8; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 5,1).

  • Dehghani, M.; Hamadneh, T.; Batiha, B.; Alssayed, O.; Werner, F.; Montazeri, Z.M.; Eguchi, K.: Using the Novel Wolverine Optimization Algorithm for Solving Engeneering Applications, CMES - Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol. 141 (3), 2024, 2253 - 2323; DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2024.055171 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,2; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,8).

  • Hamadneh, T.; Kaabneh, K.; AbuFalahah, I. , Bektemyssova, G.;, Shaikemelev, G.; Umutkulov, D.; Sayan, O.; Monrazeri, Z.; Werner, F.; Dehghani, M.: Magnificent Frigatebird Optimization: A New Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Approach for Solving Optimization Problems, Computers, Materials and Continua, Vol. 80, No. 2, 2024, 2721 - 2741 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,0; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 5,3), DOI: 10.32604/cmc.2024.054317.

  • Aggarwal, S.; Gupta, I.; Kumar, A.; Kautish, S.; Almazyad, A.S.; Wagdy Mohamed, A.; Werner, F.; Shokouhifar, M. GastoFuse-Net: An ensemble deep learning framework design for gastrointestinal abnormality detection in endoscopic images, Mathematical Bioaciences and Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 8, 2024, 6847 - 6869; DOI: 10.3934/mbe.2024300 (download pdf)  (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,9).

  • Hamadneh, T.; Batiha, B.; Werner, F.; Monrazeri, Z.; Dehghani, M.; Bektemyssova, G.; Eguchi, K.: Fossa Optimization Algorithm: A New Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm for Engineering Applications International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2024, 1038 - 1047 (download pdf)  (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,2).

  • Gafarov, E.; Werner, F.:    Connected and Autonomous Scheduling Problems: Some Models and Algorithms, Algorithms, Vol. 17, No. 2, 421, 2024; 11 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/a17090421  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8; (download pdf)   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis') .

  • Kayvanfar, V.; Baziyad, H.; Sheikh, S.; Werner, F.: A Heuristic Framework for Assessing the Efficiency of MUlti-branch Banks under Big Data, in: Emrouznejad, A.; Zervopoulis, P.D.; Ozturk, I.; Jamali, D.; Rice, J. (eds.) Business Analytics and Decision Making in Practive, ICBAP 2024, Lecutre Notes in Operations Research, Springer, Cham; 2024, 271 - 293; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-61589-4_22 (download pdf).

  • Hamadneh, T.; Batiha, B.; Al-Baik, O.; Bektemmissova, G.; Montazeri, Z.; Werner, F.; Dhiman, G.; Dehghani, M.; Eguchi, K.: Sales Training Based Optimization: A New Human-Inspired Metaheuristic Approach for Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems, Vol. 17, No. 6, 2024, 1325 - 1334; DOI: 10.22266/ijies2024.1231.96 (download pdf)  (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,2).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Mathematical Methods for Operations Research Problems, mdpi Buch (Printversion des Special Issue), 326 Seiten, 2024, ISBN 978-3-7258-1626-2 (Hbk), 978-3-7258-1625-5 (PDF), DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-1625-5 (download Buch).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Discrete Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, mdpi Buch (Printversion des Special Issue), 246 Seiten, 2024, ISBN 978-3-7258-1628-6 (Hbk), 978-3-7258-1627-9 (PDF), DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-1627-9 (download Buch).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): 2022 and 2023 Selected papers from Algorithms's Editorial Board Members, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 17 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Editorial); (Flyer)  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8;   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis').

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Discrete Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and New Applications, Special Issue in AIMS Mathematics, 2024  (CFP und 22 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Editorial);  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,4).

  • Wagner, G.; Werner, F.; De Rango, F.; (eds.): Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2023), 12 - 14 July 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 1211, Springer Nature, Cham / Switzerland, 2024, XII + 215 Seiten; ISBN 978-3-031-77602-1   (download Buch).

  • Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.; Lin, B. (eds.): Recent Advances of Discrete Optimization and Scheduling, Special Issue in Mathematics, 2024  (CFP und 11 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Editorial);  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,3; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0, Q1 in 'Mathematics: General mathematics').

  • Werner, F. (ed.): New Algorithmic Trends in Biosciences and Engineering, Special Issue in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (CFP und 6 erschienene Arbeiten)  (journal impact factor 2022: 2,6; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,9).

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Calvo-Rolle, J.L.; Werner, F. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Optimization Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Special Issue in Bioengineering (CFP und 5 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Flyer);  (journal impact factor 2023: 3,8); Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0).

  • De Rango, F.; Werner, F.; Wagner, G.; : (eds.): Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), Dijon / Frankreich, 10. - 12. Juli 2024, XIV + 466 Seiten; ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; DOI: 10.5220/0000178700003758   (download Buch).

  • Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.; Lin, B. (eds.): Recent Advances of Discrete Optimization and Scheduling, MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz; Buch (Printversion des Special Issue), 214 Seiten, 2024; ISBN 978-3-7258-0673-7 (Hbk), 978-3-7258-0674-4 (PDF); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-0674-4   (download Buch).

  • Bahmanesh-Fard, N.; Yazdanjouei, H.; Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F.: Mathematical Circuit Root Simplification using an Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm, in: Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.; Lin, B. (eds.): Recent Advances of Discrete Optimization and Scheduling, MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz; Buch (Printversion des Special Issue), 2024, 135 - 156   ISBN 978-3-7258-0673-7 (Hbk), 978-3-7258-0674-4 (PDF); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-0674-4.

  • Werner, F. (ed.): 2022 and 2023 Selected papers from Algorithms's Editorial Board Members', MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz; Buch (Printversion des Special Issue), 324 Seiten, 2024; ISBN 978-3-7258-0642-3 (PDF), 978-3-7258-0641-6 (Hbk); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-0642-3   (download Buch).

  • Shokouhifar, M., Hasanvand, M., Moharamkhani, E., Werner, F.: Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Feature Fusion Learning for Heart Disease Diagnosis using Tabular Data, in: Werner, F. (ed.): 2022 and 2023 Selected papers from Algorithms's Editorial Board Members', MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz; Buch (Printversion des Special Issue), 2024, 259 - 282; ISBN 978-3-7258-0642-3 (PDF), 978-3-7258-0641-6 (Hbk); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-7258-0642-3.

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F.; Abualigah, L.; Mirjalili, S. (eds.): Optimization with Engineering Applications: Heuristics, Meta-heuristics and Hyper-heuristics, Special Issue in Mathematics,  (CFP und 3 bereits erschienene Arbeiten)  (journal impact factor 2022: 2,4; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0, Q1 in 'Mathematics: General mathematics')).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Topical Collection: Feature Papers in Algorithms, Algorithms   (CFP und 23 bereits erschienene Arbeiten)  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8;   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis').

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Feature Papers in Randomized, Online and Approximation Algorithms, Topical Collection in Algorithms (CFP und 7 bereits erschienene Arbeiten) ;  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8;   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis').

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.: Branch Less, Cut More and Schedule Jobs with Release and Delivery Times on Uniform Machines, in: Werner, F. (ed.): Mathematical Methods for Operations Research Problems, mdpi Buch, 197 - 214, 2024.

  • Gafarov, E.; Werner, F.:    Two-Machine Job-Shop Scheduling with Equal Processing Times on Each Machine, in: Werner, F. (ed.):    Discrete Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, mdpi Buch, 26 - 36, 2024.

  • Woo, W.L.; Xu, C.; ..., Werner, F.; ... et al.: Preface of the 5th International Conference on Computer Information and Big Data Applications (CIBDA 2024), Wuhan / China, 2024, XVII.


  • Shokouhifar, M.; Sohrabi, M.; Rabbani, M.; Molana, M.; Werner, F.: Sustainable Phosphorus Fertilizer Supply Chain Management to Improve Crop Yield and P Use Efficiency Using an Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm, Agronomy,13 (2), 565, 31 Seiten, 2023; DOI: 10.3390/agronomy13020565 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 3,3; Q1 in 'Agronomy'; Q1 in 'Plant sciences';Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 6,2).

  • Bahmanesh-Fard, N.; Yazdanjouei, H.; Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F.: Mathematical Circuit Root Simplification using an Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm, Mathematics, 11 (6), 1498, 2023, 22 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/math11061498 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,3; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0, Q1 in 'Mathematics: General mathematics')).

  • Garg, V.; Deep, K.; Alnowibet, K.A.; Wagdy Mohamed, A.; Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F.: LX-BBSCA: Laplacian Biogeography-Based Sine Cosine Algorithm for structural engineering design optimization, AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 8 (12), 2023, 30610 - 30638 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,4).

  • Chen, M.; Werner, F.; Shokouhifar, M.: Mathematical Modeling and Exact Optimizing of University Course Scheduling Considering Preferences of Professors, Axioms, 12 (5), 2023, 498, 17 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/axioms12050498 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,9; Q1 in 'Mathematics, Applied'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 2,2).

  • Wagner, G.; Werner, F.; Ören, T.; De Rango, F. (eds.): Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021), 7 - 9 July 2021; Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 601, Springer Nature, Cham / Switzerland; ISBN 978-3-031-2348-3, 2023, XII + 225 Seiten.  (Buchkauf / Download pdf).

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Calvo-Rolle, J.L.; Werner, F. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Optimization Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Special Issue in Bioengineering (CFP and 5 bereits erschienene Arbeiten)   (Flyer);  (journal impact factor 2023: 3,8; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0).

  • Wagner, G.; Werner, F.; De Rango, F.: (eds.): Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2023), Rom / Italien, 12 - 14 July 2023, XIV + 466 Seiten; ISBN: 978-989-758-668-2; DOI: 10.5220/0000167700003546   (download Buch).

  • Werner, F. (ed.);   Scheduling: Algorithms and Applications, MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz; Buch (Printversion des Special Issue), IX + 264 Seiten, 2023 ISBN 978-3-0365-8277-1 (PDF), 978-3-0365-8276-4 (Hbk); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-8277-1   (download pdf).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Scheduling: Algorithms and Applications, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 13 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Editorial)  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8;   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis')).

  • Sotskov, Y.; Tchernykh, A.; Werner, F. (eds.): Optimization Techniques, Algorithms, and Applications for Cloud and Edge/Fog Computing Environments, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 4 bereits erschienene Arbeiten) ;  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,3   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,0).

  • Wagner, G.; Werner, F.; De Rango, F. (eds.): Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2022), Lisbon / Portugal, 14 - 16 July 2022; Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 780, Springer Nature, Cham / Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-343823-3; XII + 222 Seiten, 2023 (Buchkauf / Download pdf).


  • Rafiee, M.; Kayvanfar, V.; Mohammadi, A.; Werner, F.: A robust approximation approach for a cellular manufacturing system considering skill-leveled operators and multi-functional machines, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 107, 2022, 379 - 397; DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2022.02.028; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2023: 4,4; Q1 in 'Engineering, Multidisciplinary', 'Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications' und 'Mechanics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 9,8).

  • Pavlov, A.; Ivanov, D.; Werner, F.; Dolgui, A.; Sokolov, B.: Integrated Detection of Disruption Scenarios with Ripple Effect Dispersal and Recovery Paths in Supply Chains, Annals of Operations Research; Vol. 319, NO. 1, 2022, 609 - 631; DOI: 10.1007/s10479-019-03454-1  (journal impact factor 2023: 4,4; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 7,1) (download pdf).

  • Shahedi, A.; Nasiri, M.M.; Sangari, M.S.; Werner, F.; Jolai, F.: A stochastic multi-objective model for a sustainable closed-loop supply chain network design problem in the automotive industry, Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2022, 189 - 209; DOI: 10.1007/s41660-021-00204-4; download pdf   (journal impact factor 2023: 2,1; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 3,5).

  • Khodabandeh, P.; Kayvanfar, V.; Rafiee, M.; Werner, F.: Home health care planning with the Consideration of flexible starting/ending points and service features, Axioms, 11 (8), 2022, 362, 18 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/axioms11080362; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,9;Q1 in 'Mathematics, Applied'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 2,2).

  • Naseri, A.; Kayvanfar, V.; Sheikh, S.; Werner, F.: Social Media's Role in Achieving Marketing Goals in Iran During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Sciences, 11 (11), 2022, 512, 19 Seiten; DOI:10.3390/socsci11110512;   download pdf ;  (journal impact factor 2023: 1,7  Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 3,2).

  • Werner, F.: Solving train scheduling problems as a job shop: A brief review, Annals of Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2022, 153 - 156; DOI: 10.17352/amp.000058; download pdf.

  • Burtseva, L.; Werner, F.; Romero, R.; Delgado-Arana, E.; Garcia-Mata, C.; Flores-Rios, B.; Yaurima, V.; Gonzalez-Navarro, F.; Lopez-Morteo, G.: Production Planning and Scheduling for Lot Processing; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Buch, 405 Seiten; ISBN: 978-1-5275-8502-7, August 2022 (Buch).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): 1st International Electronic Conference on Algorithms, mdpi books, xii + 152 Seiten, April 2022; ISBN: 978-3-0365-3825-9 (Hbk), 978-3-0365-3826-6 (Pdf); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-3826-6   (download Buch)   (Flyer).

  • Wagner, G.; Werner, F.; De Rango, F.: (eds.): Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2022), Lisbon / Portugal, 14 - 16 July 2022, XIV + 395 Seiten; ISBN: 978-989-758-578-4; DOI: 10.5220/0000163300003274   (download Buch).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): The 1st International Electronic Conference on Algorithms, IOCA 2021, Computer Science and Mathematics Forum, 2022, Vol. 2 (1), 2023 (23 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Editorial).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): The 1st International Electronic Conference on Algorithms (IOCA 2021), Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 6 erschienene Arbeiten);   (Editorial)   (journal impact factor 2023: 1,8; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 4,1, Q1 in 'Mathematics: Numerical analysis').

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F. (eds.): Theory and Practice for the Optimization of Vehicle Routes and Related Transportation Problems, Research Topic in Frontiers in Future Transportation, 2022  (CFP und 1 bereits erschienene Arbeit).


  • Lazarev, A.; Lemtyuznikova, D.; Werner, F.: A Metric Approach for Scheduling Problems with Minimizing the Maximum Penalty, Applied Mathematical Modelling; Vol. 89, Part 2, 2021, 1163 - 1176; DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2020.07.048; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2022: 5,0; Q1 in 'Engineering, Multidisciplinary', 'Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications' und 'Mechanics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 9,4).

  • Kohdabandeh, P.; Rafiee, M.; Kayvanfar, V.; Werner, F.: A bi-objective home health care routing and scheduling model with considering nurse downgrading costs, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (3), 2021, 900, 24 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18030900; download pdf;   (journal impact factor 2022: 4,614; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 5,4).

  • Ivanov, D.; Sokolov, B.; Chen, W.; Dolgui, A.; Werner, F.; Potryasaev, S.: A Control Approach to Scheduling Flexibly Configurable Jobs with Dynamic Structural-Logical Constraints, IISE Transactions, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2021, 21 - 38; DOI: 10.1080/24725854.2020.1739787 download pdf    (journal impact factor 2022: 2,6; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 6,5)   (Best Paper Award in the 2021 IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Design and Manufacturing)   (Zertifikat)   (Presentation bei der Preisverleihung).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.: Branch Less, Cut More and Schedule Jobs with Release and Delivery Times on Uniform Machines, Mathematics, 2021, 9 (6), 633, 18 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/math9060633; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2022: 2,4; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 3,5).

  • Wagner, G.; Werner, F.; Ören, T.; De Rango, F.: (eds.): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021), 7 - 9 July 2021; 462 S.; ISBN 978-989-758-528-9; download pdf.

  • Werner, F. (ed.): 2021 Selected papers from Algorithms's Editorial Board Members, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 13 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Editorial)   (Flyer);  (journal impact factor 2022: 2,3; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 3,7).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Mathematical Methods for Operations Research Problems, Special Issue in Mathematics, 2021   (CFP and 16 erschienene Arbeiten) (Editorial)   (Flyer)  (journal impact factor 2022: 2,4; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 3,5).

  • Choi, T.-M. (Jason); Werner, F.; Shi, X. (eds.): Using Blockchain Technology in the Industry 4.0 Era: Cases and Applications, Special Issue, Algorithms (CFP und 2 erschienene Arbeiten).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): 2020 Selected papers from Algorithms' Editorial Board Members, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP und 9 erschienene Arbeiten) (Editorial) ;  (journal impact factor 2022: 2,3   Elsevier CiteScore factor 2022: 3,7).


  • Dolgui, A.; Ivanov, D.; Potryasaev, S.; Sokolov, B.; Ivanova, M.; Werner, F.: Blockchain-oriented Dynamic Modelling of Smart Contract Design and Execution in the Supply Chain; International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 58, No. 7, 2020, 2184 - 2199; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1627439; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2021: 9,018; Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial', 'Engineering, Manufacturing' and 'Operations Research & Management Science'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2021: 14,6)   (Highly cited paper in WoS).

  • Lazarev, A.; Pravdivets, N.; Werner, F.: On the Dual and Inverse Problems of Scheduling Jobs to Minimize the Maximum Penalty, Mathematics, 8 (7), 1131, 15 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/math8071131 (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2021: 2,592; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2021: 2,9) .

  • Werner, F.; Burtseva, L.; Sotskov, Y. (eds.): Special Issue on Exact and Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms, Algorithms, 13 (1), 2020, 9; DOI: 10.3390/a13010009   (9 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Zertifikat; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2021: 3,3).

  • Lazarev, A.; Lemtyuznikova, D.; Pravdivets, N.; Werner, F.: Polynomially Solvable Subcases for the Approximate Solution of Multi-machine Scheduling Problems, in Olenev, N.; Evtushenko, Y.; Khachay, M.; Malkova, V. (eds.): Advances in Optimization and Applications, Proceedings of the 11th Conference 'Optimization and Applications' (OPTIMA 2020), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 1340, 2020, 211 - 223; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65739-0_16 (download pdf).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness for Scheduling Equal-Length Jobs on a Single Machine,   Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 81, No. 5, 2020, 853 - 868; DOI: 10.1134/S0005117920050069   (download pdf) (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2021: 1,7).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.: A Brief Look at Multi-Criteria Problems. Multi-Threshold Optimization versus Pareto-Optimization;   in Multicriteria Optimization - Pareto-Optimality and Threshold Optimality, Intech Publishers; DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.91169; 11 Seiten, 2020 (download pdf).

  • Werner, F. (ed.):    Graph-Theoretic Problems and Their New Applications, Special Issue in Mathematics (21 erschienene Arbeiten) (journal impact factor 2020: 2,258; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2021: 2,9)   (Editorial)   (Zertifikat).

  • Werner, F. (ed.):    Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization, Special Issue in Mathematics   (18 erschienene Arbeiten)  (journal impact factor 2021: 2,592; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2021: 2,9)   (Editorial)   (Zertifikat).

  • Werner, F.; Burtseva, L.; Sotskov, Y. (eds.): Exact and Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms, MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz, Buch, März 2020, XI + 185 Seiten; ISBN 978-3-03928-468-9 (Pbk), 978-3-03928-469-6 (PDF); DOI 10.3390/books978-3-03928-469-6   (download Buch).

  • Lange, J.; Werner, F.: On Neighborhood Structures and Repair Techniques for Blocking Job Shop Problems, in: Werner, F.; Burtseva, L.; Sotskov, Y. (eds.): Exact and Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms, Printed Edition of the Special Issue, MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz, 2020, 21 - 48.

  • Werner, F. (ed.):    Graph-Theoretic Problems and Their New Applications, MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz, Buch, Mai 2020, XII + 280 Seiten; ISBN 978-3-03928-798-7 (Pbk), 978-3-03928-799-7 (PDF); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-03928-799-4   (download Buch).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness for Scheduling Equal-Length Jobs on a Single Machine,   Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No. 5, 2020, 119 - 138; DOI 10.31857/S0005231020050086 (in Russisch)   (download pdf).

  • Ivanov, D.; Sokolov, B.; Werner, F.; Dolgui, A.:    Proactive scheduling and reactive real time control in Industry 4.0; in: Sokolov, B.; Ivanov, D.; Dolgui, A. (eds.): Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 289, Chapter 2, Springer, 2020, 11 - 37; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43177-8_2   (download chapter).

  • Werner, F. (ed.):    Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization, MDPI AG, Basel / Schweiz, Buch, XI + 335 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-03943-222-6 (Hbk), 978-3-03943-223-3 (PDF), Oktober 2020   (download Buch).

  • Lazarev, A.; Pravdivets, N.; Werner, F.: On the Dual and Inverse Problems of Scheduling Jobs to Minimize the Maximum Penalty, in: Werner, F. (ed.):    Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization, Printed Edition of the Special Issue, MDPI AG, Basel / Switzerland, 2020, 85 - 100.

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F. (eds.): Multicriteria Optimization - Pareto-Optimality and Threshold Optimality, IntechOpen, Buch, XIV + 94 Seiten, November 2020; ISBN 978-1-78984-719-2, print ISBN 978-1-78984-718-5   (download Buch).


  • Hamid, M.; Nasiri, M.M.; Werner, F.; Sheikhahmadi, F.; Zhalechian, M.:   Operating Room Scheduling by Considering the Decision Making Styles of Surgical Team Members: A Comprehensive Approach, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 108, 2019, 166 - 181; DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2019.04.010; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2020: 4,008; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 8,2).

  • Chung, T.; Gupta, J.N.D.; Zhao, H.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing the Makespan on Two Identical Parallel Machines with Mold Constraints, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 105, 2019, 141 - 155; DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2019.01.005; download pdf   (journal impact factor 2020: 4,008; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 8,2).

  • Rahbari, A.; Nasiri, M.M.; Werner, F.; Musavi, M.; Jolai, F.:    The Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem with Cross-Docking for Perishable Products under Uncertainty: Two Robust Bi-objective Models, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 70, 2019, 605 - 625; DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.01.047; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2020: 5,129; Q1 in 'Engineering, Multidisciplinary', 'Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications' und 'Mechanics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 7,5).

  • Lange, J.; Werner, F.: On Neighborhood Structures and Repair Techniques for Blocking Job Shop Problems, Algorithms, 12 (11), 2019, 242, 28 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/a12110242; download pdf (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 2,9).

  • Dey, A.; Agarwal, A.; Dixit, P.; Son, L.H.; Werner, F.; Pal, T.; Long, H.V.: A Genetic Algorithm for Total Graph Coloring, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2019, 7831 - 7838; DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-182816; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2020: 1,851; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 2,8).

  • Gholami, O.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.; Zatsiupa, A.:    Heuristic Algorithms for Maximizing Revenue and the Number of Jobs Processed on Parallel Machines, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 80, No. 2, 2019, 297 - 316; DOI: 10.1134/S0005117919020085; download pdf (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 1,9).

  • Werner, F. (ed.):    Discrete Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Mathematics, 7 (5), 2019, DOI: 10.3390/math7050397; (Editorial)    (19 erschienene Arbeiten) (journal impact factor 2020: 2,258; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 2,2)   (Zertifikat).

  • Ungson, Y.; Burtseva, L.; Garcia, E.; Valdez, B.; Flores, B.; Werner, F.; Petranovskii, V.:   Correction: Ungson, Y. et al. Filling of Irregular Channels with Round Cross Section: Modeling Aspects to Study the Properties of a Porous Material, Materials, 2018, 11, 1901, Materials, 2019, 12 (5), 818; DOI: 10.3390/ma12050818; 1 Seite; download pdf;  (journal impact factor 2019: 3,057; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 4,2).

  • Gafarov, E.; Werner, F.:    Two-Machine Job-Shop Scheduling with Equal Processing Times on Each Machine, Mathematics, 7 (3), 2019, 301, 11 Seiten; DOI: 10.3390/math7030301; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2020: 2,258; Q1 in 'Mathematics'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 2,2).

  • Gholami, O.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.; Zatsiupa, A.:    Heuristic Algorithms for Maximizing Revenue and the Number of Jobs Processed on Uniform Parallel Machines (in Russian), Avtomatika i Telemekhania, No. 2, 2019, 125 - 151; DOI: 10.1134/S0005231019020089; download pdf.

  • Werner, F.; Gafarov, E.: On Scheduling Problems with Forbidden Stack-Overflows, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2019, 83 - 87; DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.139; download pdf (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 2,1) (auch in Proceedings of the 9th IFAC, IEEE, IFIP, IFORS Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, MIM'2019, Berlin / Germany, 28. - 30. August 2019, 92 - 96)    (Folien des Vortrags)    (frühe Version: Gafarov, E.; Werner, F.:    On an Equipment Heating Scheduling Problem, Preprint 03/18, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 7 Seiten).

  • Sotskov, Y.; Egorova, N.; Werner, F.: The Optimality Box and Region for Single-Machine Scheduling of a Set of Jobs with Uncertain Durations, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2019, 88 - 93; DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.141; download pdf (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 2,1) (auch in Proceedings of the 9th IFAC, IEEE, IFIP, IFORS Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, MIM'2019, Berlin / Germany, 28. - 30. August 2019, 97- 102)       (Folien des Vortrags).

  • Lange, J.; Werner, F.: A Permutation-Based Heuristic Method for the Blocking Job Shop Scheduling Problem, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2019, 1403 - 1408; DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.395; download pdf (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2020: 2,1) (auch in Proceedings of the 9th IFAC, IEEE, IFIP, IFORS Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, MIM'2019, Berlin / Germany, 28. - 30. August 2019, 1478 - 1483)       (Folien des Vortrags).

  • Panishev, A.V.; Kostikova,, M.V.; Skripina, I.V.; Burtseva, L.; Levterov, A.I.; Werner, F.; About an Approximate Algorithm for Making a Schedule of Bus Traffic (in Russisch), in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference 'Problems of Reliability and Durability of the Engineering Structures and Buildings at the Railway Transport', Kharkov / Ukraine, November 20 - 22, 2019   (download Inhaltsverzeichnis und pdf)   (Zertifikat).


  • Allahverdi, A.; Pesch, E.; Pinedo, M.; Werner, F. (eds.):   Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems: New Trends and Perspectives, International Journal of Production Research, Special Issue, Vol. 56, No. 19, 2018, 235 Seiten (davon Editorial: 6333 - 6335; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2018.1504252); download pdf  (journal impact factor 2019: 4,577; Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial', 'Engineering, Manufacturing' and 'Operations Research & Management Science'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 7,6).

  • Bozek, A.; Werner, F.:    Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Lot Streaming and Sublot Size Optimisation, International Journal of Production Research; Vol. 56, No. 19, 2018, 6391 - 6411; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1346322; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2019: 4,577; Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial', 'Engineering, Manufacturing' and 'Operations Research & Management Science'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 7,6).

  • Lange, J.; Werner, F.:    Approaches to Modeling Train Scheduling Problems as Job-Shops with Blocking Constraints, Journal of Scheduling, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2018, 191 - 207; DOI: 10.1007/s10951-017-0526-0; download pdf;  (journal impact factor 2019: 1,765; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 3,6).

  • Ungson, Y.; Burtseva, L.; Garcia, E.; Valdez, B.; Flores, B.; Werner, F.; Petranovskii, V.:   Filling of Irregular Channels with Round Cross Section: Modeling Aspects to Study the Properties of a Porous Material, Materials, 2018, 11 (10), 1901; DOI: 10.3390/ma11101901; 17 Seiten; download pdf;  (journal impact factor 2019: 3,057; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 3,5).

  • Amaro, V.; Diaz-Ramirez, A.; Flores-Rios, B.; Gonzalez-Navarro, F.F.; Werner, F.; Burtseva, L.:    A Scheduling Extension Scheme of the Earliest Deadline First Policy for Hard Real-Time Uniprocessor Systems Integrated on POSIX Threads Based on Unix, International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering; Vol. 33; No. 1, 2018, 31 - 40.

  • Lai, T.-C.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Egorova, N.G.; Werner, F.:    The Optimality Box in Uncertain Data for Minimising the Sum of the Weighted Job Completion Times, International Journal of Production Research; Vol. 56, No. 19, 2018, 6336 - 6362; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1398426; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2019: 4,577; Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial', 'Engineering, Manufacturing' and 'Operations Research & Management Science'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 7,6).

  • Nasiri, M.M.; Rahbari, A.; Werner, F.; Karimi, R.:   Incorporating Supplier Selection and Order Allocation into the Vehicle Routing and Multi-Cross-Dock Scheduling Problem, International Journal of Production Research; Vol. 56, No. 19, 2018. 6527 - 6552; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2018.1471241; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2019: 4,577; Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial', 'Engineering, Manufacturing' and 'Operations Research & Management Science'; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 7,6).

  • Lizzaraga, M.; Buelna, A.; Diaz-Ramirez, A.; Amaro-Ortega V.; Kostikova, M.; Gonzalez-Navarro, F.F.; Werner, F.; Burtseva, L.:   Time Restriction Aspects in the Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems for Industry 4.0, Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Vol. 83, 2018, 107 - 115; DOI: 10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2018.83.0.107; download pdf.

  • Ungson, Y.; Burtseva, L.; Garcia-Curiel, E.R.; Valdez Salas, B.; Flores-Rios, B.L.; Werner, F.; Levterov, A.; Petranovskii, V.;   Collisions of Particles in Limited Space Analyzed by Molecular Dynamics Methods, Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Vol. 83, 2018, 117 - 124; DOI: 10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2018.83.0.117; download pdf.

  • Werner, F.; Burtseva, L.; Sotskov, Y.: Special Issue on Algorithms for Scheduling Problems, Algorithms, 11 (6), 87, 2018   (12 erschienene Arbeiten)   (Zertifikat)   (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 2,2).

  • Lange, J.; Werner, F.:    A permutation-based neighborhood for the blocking job-shop problem with total tardiness minimization, in Kliewer, N.; Ehmke, J.F.; Borndörfer, R. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2017, Springer, 2018, 581 - 586; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-89920-6_77; ISBN 978-3-319-89913-0; (download pdf).

  • Gholami, O.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Genetic Algorithms for Hybrid Job-Shop Problems with Minimizing the Makespan or Mean Flow Time, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems; Vol. 17, No. 4, 2018, 461 - 486; DOI: 10.1142/S0219686718500269; (download pdf) (Elsevier CiteScore factor 2019: 1,4).

  • Werner, F.; Burtseva, L.; Sotskov, Y. (eds.);   Algorithms for Scheduling Problems, MDPI AG, Basel / Switzerland; Book, Juli 2018, 194 + XII Seiten; ISBN 978-3-03897-119-1 (Pbk), 978-3-03897-120-7 (PDF); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-03897-120-7   (download pdf).

  • Ungson, Y.., Burtseva L., Garcia-Curiel E.R., Valdez Salas B., Flores-Rios B.L., Werner, F., Levterov, A., Petranovskii, V.:   Analysis of particle collisions in restricted spaces using hard spheres and the method of molecular dynamics, in: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference 'Modelling and Information Technologies in Science, Engineering and Education', Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (KhNAHU), Ukraine, 21. - 22. November 2018, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 29 - 32 (download pdf).

  • Lizárraga M. L., Buelna A., Díaz-Ramirez A., Amaro-Ortega V., Kostikova M. V., González-Navarro F. F., Werner F., Burtseva L.:    Modeling Software for Industry 4.0, in: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference 'Modelling and Information Technologies in Science, Engineering and Education', Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (KhNAHU), Ukraine, 21. - 22. November 2018, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 13 - 15 (download pdf).


  • Lazarev, A.A.; Arkhipov, D.I.; Werner, F.:   Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times on a Single Machine: Minimizing Maximum Lateness and Makespan, Optimization Letters; Vol. 11, No. 1, 2017, 165 - 177; download pdf; DOI: 10.1007/s11590-016-1003-y (journal impact factor 2018: 1,399).

  • Baptiste, P.; Kovalyov, M.; Orlovich, Y.; Werner, F.; Zverovich, I.:    Graphs with Maximal Induced Matchings of the Same Size , Discrete Applied Mathematics; Vol. 216, Part I, 2017, 15 - 28; DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2016.08.015; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2018: 0,983).

  • Metelsky, Y.; Schemeleva, K.; Werner, F.:    A Finite Characterization and Recognition of Intersection Graphs of Hypergraphs with a Rank of at Most 3 and a Multiplicity of at Most 2 in the Class of Threshold Graphs , Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2017, 13 - 28; download pdf ; DOI: 10.7151/dmgt.1916.

  • Delgado Arana, E.M.; Burtseva, L.; Flores-Rios, B.; Ibarra, R.; Werner, F.:    A Batch Sequencing Model for a Semiconductor Packaging Company, Engineering Letters, Vol. 25, No. 2, 205 - 213, 2017; download pdf.

  • Ni, Y.; Werner, F.:    Material Handling Tools for a Discrete Manufacturing System: A Comparison of Optimization and Simulation, in: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation (ICCSS 2017); DOI: 10.1109/CIRSYSSIM.2017.8023190; ISBN: 978-1-5386-0391-8; London / UK, July 14 - 17, 2017, 97 - 102; download pdf.

  • Sotskov, Y.; Egorova, N.; Werner, F.:    A Permutation with Maximum Parallelepiped Optimality of Service Requirements with Interval Durations, Economics, Modeling, Forecasting, Minsk, Vol. 11, 2017, 104 - 116 (in Russian); ISSN 2218 - 0435; download pdf.

  • Burtseva, L.; Werner, F.:    Using Mathematical Tessellation to Model Spherical Particle Packing Structures, in: Matthew A. Rowe (ed.): Mathematical Research Summaries, Vol. 1, Nova Science Publishers, 2017, ISBN 978-153612021-9.

  • Werner, F.:    A Survey of Genetic Algorithms for Shop Scheduling Problems, in: Matthew A. Rowe (ed.): Mathematical Research Summaries, Vol. 2, Nova Science Publishers, 2017, 15 - 16; ISBN 978-153612200-8.


  • Werner, F.:    A Refresher Course in Mathematics , Bookboon Publishers; May 2016, 284 Seiten, ISBN: 978-87-403-1319-2 (werbefinanziertes Buch; frei downloadbar von der Verlagswebsite: download ) (Table of Contents;   Preface); durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung: ***** (26 reviews; Stand: 12.8.2019)   (die Fragen eines Multiple Choice Selbsttests zum Inhalt des Buches findet man unter MC Test: Fragen, und die Antworten zu den Fragen findet man unter MC Test: Antworten).

  • Ivanov, D.; Dolgui, A.; Sokolov, B.; Werner, F.:    Schedule Robustness Analysis with the Help of Attainable Sets in a Continuous Flow Problem under Capacity Constraints, International Journal of Production Research; Vol. 54, No. 11, 2016, 3397 - 3413; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1129467; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2017: 2,623; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science')).

  • Ivanov, D.; Dolgui, A.; Sokolov, B.; Werner, F., Ivanova, M.:    A Dynamic Model and an Algorithm for Short-Term Supply Chain Scheduling in the Smart Factory Industry 4.0, International Journal of Production Research; Vol. 54, No. 2, 386 - 402; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.999958; download pdf;  (journal impact factor 2017: 2,623; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science')) (Best Paper Award)   (Highly cited paper in WoS).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing the Makespan for the Two-Machine Scheduling Problem with a Single Server: Two Algorithms for Very Large Instances, Engineering Optimization; Vol. 48, No. 1, 2016, 173 - 183; DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2015.1005083; download pdf;  (journal impact factor 2017: 1,622).

  • Burtseva, L.; Valdez Salas, B.; Romero, R.; Werner, F.:    Recent Advances on Modeling of Structures of Multi-Component Mixtures Using a Sphere Packing Approach, International Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, Nos 1/2/3, 2016, 44 - 59; DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2016.074522; download pdf;  (journal impact factor 2017: 0,512).

  • Lazarev, A.A.; Arkhipov, D.I.; Werner, F.: On a Generalized Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Time-Dependent Processing Times, IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 49, No. 12, 2016, 226 - 230; DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.603; download pdf (auch in Preprints of the 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Troyes / Frankreich, 28. - 30. Juni 2016, 230 - 234; download pdf ).

  • Tsadikovich, D.; Levner, E.; Tell, H.; Werner, F.: Integrated Demand-Response Scheduling of Maintenance and Transportation Operations in Military Supply Chains, International Journal of Production Research; Vol. 54, No. 19, 5798 - 5810; download pdf; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1178864  (journal impact factor 2017: 2,623; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science')).

  • Delgado Arana, E.M.; Burtseva, L.; Flores-Rios, B.; Ibarra, R.; Werner, F.:    Flexible Planning Model for a High Tech Company with High Volume - High Mixture, in: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of WCECS 2016, San Francisco / USA; 19. - 21. Oktober 2016, Vol. II, 952 - 957; ISBN 978-988-14048-2-4 (download pdf; Folien des Vortrags) (Certificate of merit).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Mathematical Models and Heuristic Algorithms for Scheduling Parallel Machines with a Single Server: A Survey, Proceedings of the Workshop 'Tanaev's Readings', Minsk / Belarus, 27 - 29. März 2016, 212 - 216 (download pdf).

  • Arkhipov, D.I.; Lazarev, A.A.; Werner, F.: On the Method of 'Filling of sets' for a Single Machine Scheduling Problem Proceedings of the Workshop 'Tanaev's Readings', Minsk / Belarus, 27 - 29. März 2016, 4 - 8 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Gafarov, E.; Dolgui, A.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A New Effective Algorithm to Solve an Investment Problem (in Russisch), Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No. 9, 2016, 150 - 166, ISSN 0005-2310 (download pdf).

  • Gafarov, E.; Dolgui, A.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A New Effective Dynamic Program for an Investment Optimization Problem, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 77, No. 9, 2016, 1633 - 1648; DOI: 10.1134/S0005117916090101; download pdf; (frühe Version unter dem Titel 'Solving an Investment Problem by an Improved Graphical Approach' auch als Preprint 02/13, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 20 Seiten).


  • Burtseva, L.; Werner, F.:    Using Mathematical Tessellation to Model Spherical Particle Packing Structures, in: Albert R. Baswell (ed.): Advances of Mathematics Research, Vol. 20, Nova Science Publishers, 2015, 1 - 26; ISBN 978-1-63482-741-6 (Hardcover), 978-1-63482-742-3 (Ebook).

  • Burtseva, L.; Valdez Salas, B.; Werner, F.; Petranovskii, V.:    Packing of Monosized Spheres in a Cylindrical Container: Models and Approaches, Revista Mexicana de Fisica E, Vol. 61, No. 1, 2015, 20 - 27 (download pdf).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    A Minimal Dominant Set of Critical Paths for the Uncertain Project-Network, International Journal of Operational Research / Nepal, Vol. 4, 2015, 19 - 32 (download pdf).

  • Burtseva, L.; Werner, F.; Valdez Salas, B.; Pestriakov, A.; Romero, R.; Petranovskii, V.:    Tessellation Methods for Modeling the Material Structure, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 756, TransTech Publications, Schweiz, 2015, 426 - 435; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.756.426.

  • Burtseva, L.; Valdez Salas, B.; Werner, F.; Petranovskii, V.:    Consistent Patterns of Encapsulating Hard Spheres in Restricted Volumes: Modeling the Confinement of Nanoparticles in Nanoporous Matrices, Materials of the 5th International Colloids Conference, Amsterdam / Netherlands, 21. - 24. Juni 2015, P082 (download Poster als pdf).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Egorova, N.G.; Werner, F.:    Optimal Planning of Time Management with Interval Durations of the Activities, Economics, Modelling, Forecasting, Volume 9, 2015, 96 - 104 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Lazarev, A.A.; Arkhipov, D.I.; Werner, F.:    Single Machine Scheduling: Finding the Pareto Set with Equal Processing Times with Respect to Criteria L_max and C_max, Proceedings of the 7th MISTA Conference, Prague / Czech Republic, 25 - 28 August 2015, ISSN 2305-249X, 797 - 800 (download pdf).

  • Burtseva, L.; Werner, F.:    Using Mathematical Tessellation to Model Spherical Particle Packing Structures, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, Vol. 24, No. 2 - 3, 2015, 249 - 275; ISSN 1060 - 9881.

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Egorova, N.G.; Werner, F.:    The Optimality Box of a Schedule Minimizing the Sum of the Weighted Completion Times of the Jobs, Vesti NAN Belarus, Ser. Phys.-Mat. Sciences, Volume 4, 2015, 103 - 111 (in Russisch) (download pdf).


  • Gafarov, E.; Dolgui, A.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Graphical Approach to Solve an Investment Optimization Problem Problems, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research; Vol. 13, No. 4, 2014, 597 - 614; DOI: 10.1007/s10852-013-9248-2; download pdf).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Interference for Scheduling Two Parallel Machines with a Single Server, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 24, 2014, 7148 - 7158; download pdf; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.961211  (journal impact factor 2015: 1,693).

  • Briskorn, D.; Pesch, E.; Werner, F (eds.):    New Developments in Scheduling and Manufacturing Special Issue in International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2014; 3755 - 3757 (guest editorial); DOI for Editorial: 10.1080/00207543.2014.914754  (journal impact factor 2015: 1,693)

  • Gafarov, E.; Dolgui, A.; Werner, F.:    A New Graphical Approach for Solving Single Machine Scheduling Problems Approximately, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2014; 3762 - 3777; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.922708; download pdf  (journal impact factor 2015: 1,693).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms for the Two-Machine Scheduling Problem with a Single Server , International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2014, 3778 - 3792; download pdf; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.874607  (journal impact factor 2015: 1,693).

  • Vakhania, N.; Hernandez, J.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling Unrelated Machines with Two Types of Jobs, International Journal of Production Research; Vol. 52, No. 13, 2014, 3793 - 3801; download pdf; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.888789  (journal impact factor 2015: 1,693).

  • Khadka, S.R.; Werner, F.:    Lower and Upper Bounds for the Total Product Rate Variation Problem, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2014, 389 - 398 (ISSN: 1061 5369).

  • Sotskov, Y.; Matsveichuk, N.; Kasiankou, A.; Werner, F.   Time Management Based on Two-Machine Flowshop Scheduling with Uncertain Processing Times, International Journal Information Technologies & Knowledge, Vol. 8, No. 3, 212 - 224 (download pdf).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Total Weighted Completion Time Approximately for the Parallel Machine Problem With a Single Server , Information Processing Letters, Vol. 114, No. 9, 2014, 500 - 503; DOI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2014.04.005  (journal impact factor 2015: 0,605).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Approximability Results for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with a Single Type of Resources, Annals of Operations Research; Vol. 213, No. 1, 2014, 115 - 130; DOI: 10.1007/s10479-012-1106-5  (journal impact factor 2015: 1,406).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Block Models for Scheduling Jobs on Two Parallel Machines with a Single Server, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2014, 94 - 97; DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2013.08.015  (journal impact factor 2015: 1,988; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science' und 'Engineering, Industrial')).

  • Sotskov, Y.; Werner, F. (Eds.):    Sequencing and Scheduling with Inaccurate Data, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, Januar 2014, 432 Seiten; Hardcover (ISBN 978-1-62948-677-2) und Ebook (ISBN 978-1-62948-722-9); (Information auf Verlagswebsite)    (free ebook download).

  • Sotskov, Y.; Werner, F.    A Stability Approach to Sequencing and Scheduling under Uncertainty, in: Sotskov, Y.; Werner, F.; (Eds.):   Sequencing and Scheduling with Inaccurate Data, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, Januar 2014, Chapter 12, 283 - 343; Hardcover (ISBN 978-1-62948-677-2) und Ebook (ISBN 978-1-62948-722-9).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    A Hybridization of Harmony Search and Simulated Annealing to Minimize Mean Flow Time for the Two-Machine Scheduling Problem with a Single Server, International Journal of Operational Research Nepal, Vol. 3, 2014, 9 - 26.

  • Werner, F.; Kravchenko, S.; Hasani, K.:    Minimizing Mean Flow Time for the Two-Machine Scheduling Problem With a Single Server, Informatika, No. 1, 2014, 15 - 24 (in Russisch; download pdf; englische Version als Preprint 12/13, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 14 Seiten).


  • Carballo, L.; Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.:    Reducing Efficiently the Search Space for Multiprocessor Job Shop Problems, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 51, No. 23 - 24, 2013, 7105 - 7119; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.837226; (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2014: 1,477).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Lai, T.-C.; Werner, F.:    Measures of Problem Uncertainty for Scheduling with Interval Processing Times, OR Spectrum, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2013, 659 - 689; DOI: 10.1007/s00291-012-0306-3   (journal impact factor 2014: 0,987).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Single Machine Total Tardiness Maximization Problems: Complexity and Algorithms, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 207, No. 1, 2013, 121 - 136; DOI:10.1007/s10479-012-1288-x   (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2014: 1,217).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Maximum Lateness of Jobs with Naturally Bounded Job Data on a Single Machine in Polynomial Time, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 501, 2013, 72 - 81; DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2013.07.001  (journal impact factor 2014: 0,657).

  • Werner, F.: A Survey of Genetic Algorithms for Shop Scheduling Problems, in Siarry, P. (ed.): Heuristics: Theory and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, März 2013, 161 - 222 (ISBN 978-1-62417-637-1, Chapter 8)    (frühe, nicht begutachtete und erweiterte Version auch als Preprint 31/11, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2011, 66 S.).

  • Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Erratum to 'Minimizing Total Tardiness on Parallel Machines with Preemptions', Journal of Scheduling; Vol. 16. No. 4, 439 - 441; DOI: 10.1007/s10951-013-0313-5)  (journal impact factor 2014: 1,028).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Lai, T.-C.; Werner, F.:    The Stability Box for Minimizing Total Flow Time under Uncertain Data, in: Pina et al. (eds.) Simulation and Modelling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 197, Part 2, 2013, 39 - 55 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-34336-0_3).

  • Gholami, O.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Fast Edge-Orientation Algorithms for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems with Applications to Train Scheduling, International Journal of Operational Research / Nepal, Vol. 2, 2013, 19 - 32 (download pdf).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Note on the Paper 'Single Machine Scheduling Problems with Financial Resource Constraints: Some Complexity Results and Properties' by E.R. Gafarov et al., Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2013, 262  (journal impact factor 2014: 0,462).

  • Gafarov, E.; Dolgui, A.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Graphical Algorithm for Solving an Investment Optimization Problem, in: Kendall, G., Vanden Berge, G., McCollum, B. (eds.), Proceedings der 6. MISTA Konferenz (MISTA 2013), 27. - 29. August 2013, Gent / Belgien, 290 - 299 (download pdf) (Folien des Vortrags: download pdf).

  • Hasani, K.; Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Makespan Minimization for a Two-Machine Scheduling Problem with a Single Server, Preprints of MIM 2013, 19. - 21. Juni 2013, St. Petersburg / Russland, 1380 - 1385 (download pdf) (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juli 2013, 1364 - 1369, ISBN 978-3-902823-35-9; Identifier: 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00199) (Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).

  • Gafarov, E.; Dolgui, A.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Graphical Approach for Solving Single Machine Scheduling Problems Approximately , Preprints of MIM 2013, 19. - 21. Juni 2013, St. Petersburg / Russland, 1356 - 1361 (download pdf) (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juli 2013, 1340 - 1345, ISBN 978-3-9022823-35-9; Identifier: 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00010) (Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).

  • Sotskov, Y.; Gholami, O.; Werner, F.:    Solving a Job-Shop Scheduling Problem by an Adaptive Algorithm Based on Learning , Preprints of MIM 2013, 19. - 21. Juni 2013, St. Petersburg / Russland, 1368 - 1373 (download pdf) (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juli 2013, 1352 - 1357, ISBN 978-3-902823-35-9; Identifier: 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00126) (Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).

  • Gafarov, E.; Dolgui, A.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Solving an Investment Problem by an Improved Graphical Approach , Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Production Research, 28. Juli - 1. August 2013, Iguassu Falls / Brasilien, 6 Seiten (download pdf).


  • Lazarev, A.; Tkindt, V.; Werner, F. (Gasteditoren):    Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems , Computers & Operations Research, Special Issue, Vol. 39, Heft 6, 2012, 110 S. (davon Guest Editorial, 1195 - 1196)  (journal impact factor 2013: 1,718; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science' und 'Engineering, Industrial').

  • Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Total Tardiness on Parallel Machines with Preemptions, Journal of Scheduling; Vol. 15, No. 2, 2012, 193 - 200  (journal impact factor 2013: 1,186).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Transforming a Pseudo-Polynomial Algorithm for the Single Machine Total Tardiness Maximization Problem into a Polynomial One, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 196, 2012, 247 - 261; (download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2013: 1,103).

  • Janiak, A.; Janiak, W.; Kovalyov, M.; Werner, F.:    Soft Due Window Assignment and Scheduling of Unit-Time Jobs on Parallel Machines, 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2012, 347 - 360 (download pdf - open access)   (unter den 5 am meisten heruntergeladenen Arbeiten dieser Zeitschrift innerhalb der letzten 90 Tage bis August 2012)  (journal impact factor 2013: 0,918).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Note on a Single Machine Scheduling with Generalized Total Tardiness Objective Function, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 112, No. 3, 2012, 72 - 76 (unter den 25 am meisten heruntergeladenen Arbeiten dieser Zeitschrift in Science Direct innerhalb der letzten 90 Tage bis Januar 2012)  (journal impact factor 2013: 0,479).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Gholami, O.; Werner, F.:    Heuristic Algorithms for a Job-Shop Problem with Minimizing Total Job Tardiness , Proceedings of the III International Conference 'Optimization and Applications' OPTIMA-2012, Costa da Caparica / Portugal, 23 September - 30 September 2012, 245 - 249 (download pdf) (Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).

  • Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing a Regular Function on Uniform Machines with Ordered Completion Times, in: Zoltan Adam Mann (ed.): Linear Programming - New Frontiers in Theory and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, Februar 2012, 159 - 172 (ISBN 978-1-61209-579-0, Kapitel 5; frühe Version auch als Preprint 25/10, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2010, 13 S.).

  • Werner, F.:    Scheduling under Uncertainty, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 2012), Leuven / Belgien, 1.-4.4.2012, 67 - 70 (ISBN 9789081409940) (download pdf) (Folien des Plenarvortrags: download ppsx).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.:    A Combinatorial Approximation Algorithm for Selecting the Gate Sizes from Finite Sets in VLSI Circuits, International Journal of Operational Research / Nepal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2012, 33 - 48 (ISSN 2091 - 1521) download pdf).

  • Baptiste, P.; Kovalyov, M.Y.; Orlovich, Y.L.; Werner, F.; Zverovich, I.E.:    Graphs with Maximal Induced Matchings of the Same Size, Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bukarest / Rumänien, 23.-25. Mai 2012, F 518 - F 523 (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juni 2012, ISBN 978-3-902661-98-2; Identifier: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00065; frühe und erweiterte Version als Preprint 35/11, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2011, 13 S.; download pdf; Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.:    A Polynomially Solvable Case of a Single-Machine Problem When the Maximal Job Processing Time is a Constant, Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bukarest / Rumänien, 23.-25. Mai 2012, F 393 - F 398 (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juni 2012, ISBN 978-3-902661-98-2; Identifier: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00053; frühe Version als Preprint 32/11, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2011, 11 S.; Folien des Vortrags: download pdf).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.:    Polynomial Algorithms for Scheduling Jobs with Two Processing Times on Unrelated Machines, Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bukarest / Rumänien, 23.-25. Mai 2012, T 393 - T 397; (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juni 2012, ISBN 978-3-902661-98-2; Identifier: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00055).

  • Sotskov, Y.; Werner F.; Zatsiupa, A.:    Calculation of the Stability Radius of an Optimal Line Balance, Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bukarest / Rumänien, 23.-25. Mai 2012, F 192 - F 197 (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juni 2012, ISBN 978-3-902661-98-2; Identifier: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00058; download pdf; Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.:    Near to Optimal Size Selection in Combinatorial Circuits, Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bukarest / Rumänien, 23.-25. Mai 2012,F 524 - F 529 (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juni 2012, ISBN 978-3-902661-98-2; Identifier: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00060; Folien des Vortrags: download pdf).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Graphical Approach to Solve Combinatorial Problems: Algorithms and Computational Results, Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bukarest / Rumänien, 23.-25. Mai 2012, F 403 - F 408 (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juni 2012, ISBN 978-3-902661-98-2; Identifier: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00119; download pdf; Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).

  • Carballo, L.; Lazarev, A.; Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.:    Search on an Enumeration Tree in Multiprocessor Job-Shop Scheduling Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Bukarest / Rumänien, 23.-25. Mai 2012, T 381 - T 386 (auch enthalten in: IFAC-PapersOnline, Juni 2012, ISBN 978-3-902661-98-2; Identifier: 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00414; download pdf; Folien des Vortrags: download pdf).

  • Gholami, O.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Job-Shop Scheduling with Objectives Appropriate for Train Scheduling in a Single-Track Railway, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modelling, Technologies and Applications - SIMULTECH 2012, Rom / Italien, 28. - 31. Juli 2012, 425 - 430. (Folien des Vortrags: download ppsx).


  • Kravchenko, S.; Werner, F.:    Parallel Machine Problems with Equal Processing Times: A Survey, Journal of Scheduling, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2011, 435 - 444 (unter den 5 am meisten heruntergeladenen Arbeiten dieser Zeitschrift innerhalb der letzten 90 Tage bis November 2011)  (journal impact factor 2012: 0,941).

  • Orlovich, Y.L.; Dolgui, A.B.; Finke, G.; Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.:    The Complexity of Dissociation Set Problems in Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 159, No. 13, 2011, 1352 - 1366 (unter den 25 am meisten heruntergeladenen Arbeiten dieser Zeitschrift in Science Direct von April bis Juni 2011 sowie von Juli bis September 2011, download pdf)  (journal impact factor 2012: 0,718).

  • Matsveichuk, N.M., Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    The Dominance Graph as a Solution to the Two-Machine Flow-Shop Problem with Interval Processing Times, Optimization, Vol. 60, No. 12, 2011, 1493 - 1517  (journal impact factor 2012: 0,707).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Single Machine Scheduling Problems with Financial Resource Constraints: Some Complexity Results and Properties , Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2011, 7 - 13 (unter den 25 am meisten heruntergeladenen Arbeiten dieser Zeitschrift in Science Direct von Juli bis September 2011 sowie von Oktober bis Dezember 2011)  (journal impact factor 2012: 0,452).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Egorova, N.G.; Lai, T.-C.; Werner, F.:    The Stability Box in Uncertain Data for Minimizing the Sum of Weighted Completion Times, in: Kacprzyk, J.; Pina, N.; Filipe, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modelling, Technologies and Applications - SIMULTECH 2011, Noordwijkerhout / Niederlande, 29. - 31. Juli 2011, 14 - 23 (enthalten als 'Full Paper', Akzeptanzrate Full Papers 18 %).

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling Problems with Financial Resource Constraints, in: A.I. Goilokov (Ed.), Proceedings of the II International Conference 'Optimization and Applications' OPTIMA-2011, Petrovac / Montenegro, 25. September - 2. Oktober 2011, 82 - 85 (ISBN 978-5-91601-051-0) (download pdf).

  • Abdelkader, Y.H.; Ait-Kadi, D., ..., Werner, F.; ... et al.: IMECS 2011 International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Preface, Vol. 2, 2011, XXXV, Kowloon / Hongkong, March 16 - 18, 2011.


  • Gribkovskaia, I.; Kovalev, S.; Werner, F.:    Batching for Work and Rework Processes on Dedicated Facilities to Minimize the Makespan, Omega, Vol. 38, No. 6, 2010, 522 - 527   (journal impact factor 2011: 3,338; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science').

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Properties of Lower Bounds for the RCPSP, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS'10), Tours / Frankreich, 26. - 28.4.2010, 191 - 194 (download pdf).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Sotskova, N.Y.; Lai, T.-C.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling under Uncertainty: Theory and Algorithms, Belarusian Science, Minsk, 2010, 326 Seiten, ISBN 978-985-08-1173-8 (download pdf).

  • Werner, F.; Lazarev, A.A.:    Preface to the Special Issue of Automatika i Telemekhanika Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Academician V.S. Tanaev, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No. 10, 2010, 3 - 5 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Egorova, N.G.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Total Weighted Completion Time with Uncertain Data: A Stability Approach, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No. 10, 2010, 26 - 49 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Gafarov, E.R.; Lazarev, A.A.; Werner, F.:    Algorithms for Some Maximization Scheduling Problems on a Single Machine, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No. 10, 2010, 63 - 79 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Werner, F.; Kravchenko, S.A.:    Optimal Scheduling for Multiserver Processing Systems, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No. 10, 2010, 107 - 121 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Andresen, M.; Bräsel, H.; Engelhardt, F.; Werner, F.: LiSA - A Library of Scheduling Algorithms, Handbuch zu Version 3.0, TR 10-02, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2010, 109 Seiten (download pdf) (deutsche Version).

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Minimization of a Separable Convex Function for a System of Non-Identical Machines with Allowed Preemptions, Tanaev's Lectures, Proceedings of the 4th Internationalen Workshop, 29.-30.3.2010, Minsk / Belarus, 2010, 80 - 84 (ISBN 978-985-6744-61-0, in Russisch)    (download pdf).

  • Gribkovskaia, I.V.; Kovalev, S.; Werner, F.:    Batching on Two Facilities Dedicated for Work and Rework, Tanaev's Lectures, Proceedings of the 4th Internationalen Workshop, 29.-30.3.2010, Minsk / Belarus, 2010, 164 - 168 (ISBN 978-985-6744-61-0) (download).

  • Andresen, M.; Bräsel, H.; Engelhardt, F.; Werner, F.: LiSA - A Library of Scheduling Algorithms, Handbook for Version 3.0, TR 10-05, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2010, 107 Seiten (download pdf) (englische Version).

  • Werner, F.; Lazarev, A.A.:    Preface to the Special Issue of Automatika i Telemekhanika Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Academician V.S. Tanaev, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 71, No. 10, 2010, 2019 - 2020 (Übersetzung aus Automatika i Telemekhanika) (download).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Egorova, N.G.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Total Weighted Completion Time with Uncertain Data: A Stability Approach, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 71, No. 10, 2010, 2038 - 2057 (Übersetzung aus Automatika i Telemekhanika) (download).

  • Gafarov, E.R.; Lazarev, A.A.; Werner, F.:    Algorithms for Some Maximization Scheduling Problems on a Single Machine, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 71, No. 10, 2010, 2070 - 2084 (Übersetzung aus Automatika i Telemekhanika) (download).

  • Werner, F.; Kravchenko, S.A.:    Optimal Scheduling for Multiserver Processing Systems, Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 71, No. 10, 2010, 2109 - 2121 (Übersetzung aus Automatika i Telemekhanika) (download).

  • Matsveichuk, N.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Partial Job-Order for Solving The Two-Machine Flow-Shop Minimum-Length Problem with Uncertain Processing Times, Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau/Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, IFAC-PapersOnline, Februar 2010, Identifier: 10.3182/20090603-3-ru-2001.0094
    (auch enthalten in: 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Curran Associates, Mai 2010, ISBN 978-1-617380-21-1).

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times, Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau/Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, IFAC-PapersOnline, Februar 2010, Identifier: 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0042
    (auch enthalten in: 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Curran Associates, Mai 2010, ISBN 978-1-617380-21-1).

  • Orlovich, Y.; Dolgui, A.; Finke, G.; Gordon, V.; Werner, F.:    On the Complexity of Dissociation Set Problems in Graphs, Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau/Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, IFAC-PapersOnline, Februar 2010, Identifier: 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0071
    (auch enthalten in: 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Curran Associates, Mai 2010, ISBN 978-1-617380-21-1).

  • Levner, E.; Meyzin, L.; Werner, F.:    Hierarchical Scheduling of Mobile Robots in Production-Transportation Supply Chains, Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau/Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, IFAC-PapersOnline, Februar 2010, Identifier: 10.3182/20090603-3-RU-2001.0214
    (auch enthalten in: 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Curran Associates, Mai 2010, ISBN 978-1-617380-21-1).


  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing the Number of Machines for Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 199, No. 2, 2009, 595 - 600  (journal impact factor 2010: 2,150;Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science').

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Preemptive Scheduling on Uniform Machines to Minimize Mean Flow Time, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 36, No. 10, 2009, 2816 - 2821  (journal impact factor 2010: 1,769; Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial').

  • Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Graphical Realization of the Dynamic Programming Method for Solving NP-Hard Combinatorial Problems, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 58, No. 4, 2009, 619 - 631   (journal impact factor 2010: 1,472;Q1 in 'Mathematics, Applied').

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Parallel Machine Problems with Equal Processing Times, Proceedings der 4. MISTA Konferenz, Dublin / Irland, 10. - 12. August 2009, 458 - 468 (download pdf).

  • Orlovich, Y.L.; Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.; Dolgui, A.B.; Finke, G.:    Complexity of Dissociation Set Problems in Some Hereditary Classes of Graphs, Doklady National Academy of Science Belarus, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2009, 16 - 20 (in Russisch).

  • Matsveichuk, N.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Partial Job-Order for Solving The Two-Machine Flow-Shop Minimum-Length Problem with Uncertain Processing Times, Preprints of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau / Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, 1500 - 1505 (download pdf).

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times, Preprints of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau / Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, 1245 - 1250 (download pdf).

  • Orlovich, Y.; Dolgui, A.; Finke, G.; Gordon, V.; Werner, F.:    On the Complexity of Dissociation Set Problems in Graphs, Preprints of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau / Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, 1036 - 1040 (download pdf).

  • Levner, E.; Meyzin, L.; Werner, F.:    Hierarchical Scheduling of Mobile Robots in Production-Transportation Supply Chains, Preprints des 13. IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moskau / Russland, 3. - 5. Juni 2009, 790 - 795 (diese Arbeit erhielt den NOC Preis auf dem Symposium; download pdf).

  • Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    Algorithms for Special Cases of the Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem and an Application to the Even-Odd Partition Problem, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 49, No. 9-10, 2009, 2061 - 2072  (journal impact factor 2010: 1,066).

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    A Comparison of Scheduling Algorithms for Flexible Flow Shop Problems with Unrelated Parallel Machines, Setup Times and Dual Criteria, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2009, 358 - 378  (journal impact factor 2010: 1,769Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial').

  • Finke, G.; Strusevich, V.; Werner, F. (Gasteditoren):    Scheduling for Modern Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply Chains, Part Special Issue in Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2009, 116 S.  (journal impact factor 2010: 1,769; Q1 in 'Engineering, Industrial').

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    On a Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Equal Processing Times, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 157, 2009, 848 - 852  (journal impact factor 2010: 0,822).


  • Bräsel, H.; Herms, A.; Mörig, M.; Tautenhahn, T.; Tusch, J.; Werner, F.:    Heuristic Constructive Algorithms for Open Shop Scheduling to Minimize Mean Flow Time, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 189, 2008, 856 - 870  (journal impact factor 2009: 2,093;Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science').

  • Andresen, M.; Bräsel, H.; Plauschin, M.; Werner, F.:    Using Simulated Annealing for Open Shop Scheduling with Sum Criteria, in Cher Ming Tan (ed.): Simulated Annealing, In-Teh, 2008, 49 - 76 (open access book, ISBN 978-953-7619-07-7, download)

  • Gordon, V.; Orlovich, Y.; Werner, F.:    Hamiltonian Properties of Triangular Grid Graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 308, No. 24, 2008, 6166 - 6188  (journal impact factor 2009: 0,548; download).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Metaheuristic Approaches for the Two-Machine Flow-Shop Problem with Weighted Late Work Criterion and Common Due Date, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2008, 574 - 599  (journal impact factor 2009: 2,116;Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science' und 'Engineering, Industrial').

  • Andresen, M.; Bräsel, H.; Mörig, M.; Tusch, J.; Werner, F., Willenius, P.:    Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms for Minimizing Mean Flow Time in an Open Shop, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 48, 2008, 1279 - 1293 (unter den 25 am meisten heruntergeladenen Arbeiten dieser Zeitschrift in Science Direct von Oktober bis Dezember 2008)  (journal impact factor 2009: 1,103).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Egorova, N.G.; Lai, T.-C.; Werner, F.:    Sequence-Dependent Setup Times in a Two-Machine Job-Shop with Minimizing the Schedule Length, International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2008, 68 - 77 (download pdf).

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Algorithms for Flexible Flow Shop Problems with Unrelated Parallel Machines, Setup Times and Dual Criteria, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 37, 2008, 354 - 370  (journal impact factor 2009: 1,128).


  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    A Note on the Two-Machine Job Shop with the Late Work Criterion, Journal of Scheduling, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2007, 87 - 95  (journal impact factor 2008: 1,050).

  • Brucker, P.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Complexity of Shop Scheduling Problems with Fixed Number of Jobs: A Survey, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2007, 461 - 481  (journal impact factor 2008: 0,476).

  • Kovalyov, M.Y.; Werner, F.:    Problem F2||Cmax with Forbidden Jobs in the First or Last Position is Easy, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 177, 2007, 1310 - 1311  (journal impact factor 2008: 1,627; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science').

  • Inderfurth, K.; Kovalyov, M.Y.; Ng, C.T.; Werner, F.:    Cost Minimizing Scheduling of Work and Rework Processes on a Single Facility under Deterioration of Reworkables, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 105, 2007, 345 - 356  (journal impact factor 2008: 2,026;Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science', 'Engineering, Industrial' und Engineering, Manufacturing').

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Constructive and Tabu Search Algorithms for Flexible Flow Shop Problems with Unrelated Parallel Machines and Setup Times, International Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007, 204 - 214 (download pdf).

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Constructive and Simulated Annealing Algorithms for Hybrid Flow Shop Problems with Unrelated Parallel Machines, Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2007, 31 - 41 (download pdf).

  • Gordon, V.; Orlovich, Y.; Werner, F.:    The Complexity of Hamiltonian Cycle Problems in Graphs of a Triangular Grid, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference `Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines', Omsk / Russland, 13. - 15. November 2007, 20 - 24 (in Russisch).

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Fuzzy LPT Algorithms for Flexible Flow Shop Problems with Unrelated Parallel Machines for a Continuous Fuzzy Domain, Proceedings of the 2007 IE Network National Conference, Phuket / Thailand, 24.-26. Oktober 2007, 208 - 213 (download pdf).

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Fuzzy Dispatching Rules for Flexible Flow Shop Problems with Unrelated Parallel Machines for a Continuous Fuzzy Domain, Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference, Kaohsiung / Taiwan, 9.-13. Dezember 2007, Session W2-R05, 1 - 10 (download pdf).

  • Sotskov Y.N.; Egorova, N.; Werner, F.:    Sequence-Dependent Setup Times in Two-Machine Job-Shop Problems with Minimizing Makespan , Materials of ECCO XX Conference 'European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization', Limassol / Zypern, May 24 - 26, 2007, 30 - 31 (download slides als pdf).

  • Gordon, V.; Orlovich, Y.; Werner, F.:    Cycle Extendability of Triangular Grid Graphs, Materials of ECCO XX Conference 'European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization', Limassol / Cyprus, May 24 - 26, 2007, 37.

  • Gordon, V.; Orlovich, Y.; Werner, F.:    On the Complexity of the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem in Locally Connected Triangular Grid Graphs, Materials of the International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, September 5 - 7, 2007, Saarbrücken / Germany, 171 - 172.

  • Andresen, M.; Bräsel, H.; Mörig, M.; Tusch, J.; Werner, F., Willenius, P.:    On Mean Flow Time Minimization for Open Shop Scheduling to Minimize Mean Flow Time, Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), July 1 - 6, 2007, Istanbul / Türkei.


  • Bräsel, H.; Herms, A.; Mörig, M.; Tautenhahn, T.; Tusch, J.; Werner, F.; Willenius, P.:    A Comparison of Heuristics for Mean Flow Time Open Shop Scheduling, in: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006, Vol. 3, Elsevier, Dezember 2006, 111 - 116; ISBN 0-08-044654-X (auch unter IFAC-PapersOnline).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Sequence-Dependent Setup and Clean-Up Times in a Two-Machine Job-Shop with Minimizing Makespan, in: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006, Elsevier, Dezember 2006, Vol. 3, 51 - 56, ISBN 0-08-044654-X (auch unter IFAC-PapersOnline).

  • Orlovich, Y.L.; Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.:    Cyclic Properties of Triangular Grid Graphs, in: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006, Elsevier, Dezember 2006, Vol. 3, 147 - 151; ISBN 0-08-044654-X (auch unter IFAC-PapersOnline).

  • Werner, F.; Sotskov, Y.N.:   Mathematics of Economics and Business (Lehrbuch; Paperback, Hardcover und Ebook), Routledge, Abingdon / UK, New York / USA, 23. Februar 2006, 536 Seiten DOI: 10.4324/9780203401385.

  • Inderfurth, K.; Janiak, A.; Kovalyov, M.Y.; Werner, F.:    Batching Work and Rework Processes with Limited Deterioration of Reworkables, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 33, 2006, 1595 - 1605  (journal impact factor 2007: 1,096; Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science' und 'Engineering, Industrial').

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Sequencing and Tabu Search Heuristics for Hybrid Flow Shops with Unrelated Parallel Machines and Setup Times, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference & the 9th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of International Foundation for Production Research, Bangkok / Thailand, 17.-20. Dezember 2006, 1330 - 1342 (download pdf).

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Sequencing Heuristics for Flexible Flow Shop Problems with Unrelated Parallel Machines and Setup Times, Proceedings of the 2006 IE Network National Conference, Bangkok / Thailand, 18. - 19. Dezember 2006, Session F53, 1 - 8 (download pdf).

  • Bräsel, H.; Herms, A.; Mörig, M.; Tautenhahn, T.; Tusch, J.; Werner, F.; Willenius, P.:    A Comparison of Heuristics for Mean Flow Time Open Shop Scheduling, Preprints of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing (ed. by A. Dolgui, G. Morel, C.E. Pereira), St. Etienne / Frankreich, 17.-19. Mai 2006, Vol. 3, 119 - 124 (download pdf).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Sequence-Dependent Setup and Clean-Up Times in a Two-Machine Job-Shop with Minimizing Makespan, Preprints of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing (ed. by A. Dolgui, G. Morel, C.E. Pereira), St. Etienne / Frankreich, 17.-19. Mai 2006, Vol. 3, 51 - 56 (download pdf).

  • Orlovich, Y.L.; Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.:    Cyclic Properties of Triangular Grid Graphs, Preprints of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Control Problems in Manufacturing (ed. by A. Dolgui, G. Morel, C.E. Pereira), St. Etienne / Frankreich, 17.-19. Mai 2006, Vol. 3, 149 - 153 (download pdf).

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Solving the Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Unrelated Parallel Machines and Sequence-Dependent Setup Times by a Simulated Annealing Algorithm, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference & 7th AUN/SEED-Net Fieldwise Seminar on Manufacturing and Material Process, Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia, 14.-15. März 2006, 640 - 645.

  • Jungwattanakit, J.; Reodecha, M.; Chaovalitwongse, P.; Werner, F.:    Constructive and Simulated Annealing Heuristics for Hybrid Flow Shops with Unrelated Parallel Machines, Proceedings of the 3rd OR - CRN Operations Research Conference, Bangkok/Thailand, 2006, 31. August - 1. September 2006, 110 - 121 (download pdf).

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: V. T'Kindt and J.C. Billaut, Multicriteria Scheduling. Theory, Models and Algorithms, Springer, 2002; ISBN 3-540-43617-0; European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 168, No.1, 2006, 275 - 277.

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: Michael L. Pinedo, Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services, Springer, New York, 2006, ISBN 0-387-22198-0; Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 63, No.1, 2006, 187 - 189.

  • Orlovich, Y.; Gordon, V.; Werner, F.:    On the Complexity of the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem in Locally Connected Triangular Grid Graphs, Materials of the International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, September 6 - 8, 2006, Karlsruhe / Germany, 69.


  • Janiak, A.; Kovalyov, M.Y.; Kubiak, W.; Werner, F.:    Positive Half-Products and Scheduling with Controllable Processing Times, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 165, No. 2 , 2005, 416 - 422  (journal impact factor 2006: 0,918).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    A Comparison of Solution Procedures for Two-Machine Flow Shop Scheduling with Late Work Criterion, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 49, 2005, 611 - 624  (journal impact factor 2006: 0,650).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    The Two-Machine Flow-Shop Problem with Weighted Late Work Criterion and Common Due Date, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 165, No. 2, 2005, 408 - 415  (journal impact factor 2006: 0,918).

  • Orlovich, Y.L.; Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.:    Hamiltonian Cycles in Graphs of a Triangular Grid, Doklady National Academy of Sciences Belarus, Vol. 49, No. 5, 2005, 21 - 25 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Metaheuristics for Late Work Minimization in Two-Machine Flow Shops with Common Due Date , Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3698, Springer Verlag, 2005, 222 - 234.

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Dolgui, A.; Sotskova, N.Y.; Werner, F.:    Stability of the Assembly Line Balance Optimality with a Fixed Stations Number, in Dolgui, A.; Soldek, J.; Zaikin, O. (eds.): Supply Chain Optimisation: Product/Process Design, Facility Location and Flow Control, Series: Applied Optimization, Vol. 94, Springer Verlag, 2005, 135 - 149 (download pdf).

  • Werner, F.; Gordon, V.S.; Orlovich, Y.L.:    On Hamiltionian Cycles in Triangular Grid Graphs, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference `Tanaev's Lectures', UIIP Minsk / Belarus, 2005, 23 - 27 (in Russisch) (download pdf).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Metaheuristic Approaches for the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Weighted Late Work Criterion, Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), 6. - 10. Juni 2005, Siena / Italien, 262 - 265.

  • Werner, F.; Bräsel, H.; Herms, A.; Mörig, M.; Tautenhahn, T.; Tusch, J.:    A Comparison of Heuristic Algorithms for the Open Shop Problem with Minimizing Mean Flow Time, , Materials of ECCO XVIII Conference 'European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization', Minsk / Belarus, May 26 - 28, 2005, 76 - 77.


  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Flow Shop Scheduling with Late Work Criterion - Choosing the Best Solution Strategy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3285, (eds. S. Manandhar et al.), Springer Verlag, 2004, 68 - 75.

  • Lauff, V.; Werner, F.:    Heuristics for Two-Machine Flow Shop Problems with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2004, 125 - 144 (download pdf).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E,; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Open Shop Scheduling Problems with Late Work Criteria, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 134, 2004, 1 - 24  (journal impact factor 2005: 0,585).

  • Lauff, V.; Werner, F.:    On the Complexity and Some Properties of Multi-Stage Scheduling Problems with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 31, 2004, 317 - 345.  (journal impact factor 2005: 0,746)

  • Lai, T.C.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Sotskova, N.Y.; Werner, F.:    Mean Flow Time Minimization with Uncertain Processing Times, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 159, No. 3, 2004, 558 - 573  (journal impact factor 2005: 0,824).

  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Lauff, V.; Werner, F.:    Two-Machine Flow Shop Scheduling with Nonregular Criteria, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2004, 123 - 151.

  • Lauff, V.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling with Common Due Date, Earliness and Tardiness Penalties for Multi-Machine Problems: A Survey, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 40 (5-6), 2004, 637 - 655 (unter den 25 am meisten heruntergeladenen Arbeiten dieser Zeitschrift in Science Direct von Juli bis September 2005)  (journal impact factor 2005: 0,422).

  • Orlovich, Y.; Gordon, V.; Werner, F.:    Hamiltonian Cycles in Triangular Grid Graphs, Materials of the International Conference on Operations Research, September 1 - 3, 2004, Tilburg / Niederlande, 147 - 148.


  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Werner, F.; Wulkenhaar, G.:    Two-Machine Open Shop Scheduling with Secondary Criteria, International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 10, 2003, 267 - 294 (download pdf).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    The Binary NP-Hardness of the Two-Machine Job Shop Problem with the Weightewd late Work Criterion, in: W. Ben-Ameur, A. Petrowski (eds), Proceedings of INOC'2003 (ISSN 1762-5734), Evry (Paris) / Frankreich, 27. - 29. Oktober 2003, 101 - 106 (download pdf).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Dynamic Programming for 2-Machine Shop Problems with Weighted Late Work Criterion, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), 30. März - 4. April 2003, Aussois / Frankreich, 36 - 37.


  • Brucker, P.; Dhaenens-Flipo, C.; Knust, S.; Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Complexity Results for Parallel Machine Scheduling with a Single Server, Journal of Scheduling, Vol. 5, 2002, 429 - 457.

  • Kovalyov, M.Y.; Werner, F.:    Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Jobs with Common Due Date on Parallel Machines, Journal of Heuristics, Vol. 8, 2002, 415 - 428.

  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Hennig, K.; Werner, F.:    Local Search Heuristics for Two-Stage Flow Shop Problems with Secondary Criterion, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 29, 2002, 123 - 149.

  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Krüger, K.; Lauff, V.; Werner, F.; Sotskov, Y.N.:    Heuristics for Hybrid Flow Shops with Controllable Processing Times and Assignable Due Dates, Computer & Operations Research, Vol. 29, 2002, 1417 - 1439.

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Dolgui, A.; Sotskova, N.Y.; Werner, F.    Stability of the Optimal Line Balance: Case of a Fixed Number of Stations, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference Advanced Computer Systems ACS 2002, Miedzyzdroje / Poland, 23. - 25. Oktober 2002, Part I, 21 - 28.

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Tanaev, V.S.; Werner, F.,    Scheduling Problems and Mixed Graph Colorings, Optimization, Vol. 51, 2002, 597 - 624.

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Weighted Flow Shop Problem with a Common Due Date and Late Work Criterion, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 2002), 3.- 5. April 2002, Valencia / Spanien, 69 - 72 (download pdf).

  • Janiak, A.; Kovalyov, M.Y.; Kubiak, W.; Werner, F.:    An FPTAS for Minmizing Positive Half-Product, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 2002), 3.- 5. April 2002, Valencia / Spanien (download pdf).


  • Bank, J.; Werner, F.:    Heuristic Algorithms for Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling with a Common Due Date, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 33, 2001, 363 - 383.

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    A Heuristic Algorithm for Minimizing Mean Flow Time with Unit Setup Times, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 79, 2001, 291 - 296.

  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Nepalli, V.R.; Werner, F.:    Minimizing Total Flow Time in a Two-Machine Flowshop Problem with Minimum Makespan, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 69, 2001, 323 - 338.

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Dolgui, A.; Werner, F.:    Mixed Graph Coloring for Unit-Time Job-Shop Scheduling, International Journal of Mathematical Algorithms, Vol. 2, 2001, 289 - 323.

  • Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.; Yanushkevich, O.A.:    Single Machine Preemptive Scheduling to Minimize the Weighted Number of Late Jobs with Nested Release/Due Date Intervals, RAIRO Operations Research, Vol. 35, 2001, 71 - 83.


  • Shakhlevich, N.V.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.,    Complexity of Mixed Shop Scheduling Problems: a Survey, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 120, 2000, 343 - 351.

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Total Late Work Criteria for Shop Scheduling Problems, in: Inderfurth, K.; Schwödiauer, G.; Domschke W.; Juhnke, F.; Kleinschmidt, P.; Wäscher, G. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1999, Springer, Heidelberg, 2000, 354 - 359.

  • Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.; Yanushkevich, O.A.:    Scheduling with Deadlines and Nested Processing Intervals for a Single Machine, in: Inderfurth, K.; Schwödiauer, G.; Domschke W.; Juhnke, F.; Kleinschmidt, P.; Wäscher, G. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1999, Springer, Heidelberg, 2000, 378 - 382.

  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Lauff, V.; Werner, F.:    On the Solution of 2-Machine Flow Shop Problems With a Common Due Date, in: Inderfurth, K.; Schwödiauer, G.; Domschke W.; Juhnke, F.; Kleinschmidt, P.; Wäscher, G. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1999, Springer, Heidelberg, 2000, 383 - 388.

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    An Approximation Algorithm for the Single Server Parallel Machine Problem, in: Proth, J.-M.; Tanaev, V. (eds), Proceedings of the International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design, Minsk / Belarus, 5. - 6. September 2000, 58 - 62 (download pdf).

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Dolgui, A.; Werner, F.:    Optimal Coloring of the Vertices from the Union of Paths and Cliques, in: Proth, J.-M.; Tanaev, V. (eds), Proceedings of the International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design, Minsk / Belarus, 5. - 6. September 2000, 93 - 98 (download pdf).

  • Sotskova, N.Y.; Werner, F.    Dominance Relations on the Set of Schedules for the Uncertain Job-Shop, in: Proth, J.-M.; Tanaev, V. (eds), Proceedings of the International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design, Minsk / Belarus, 5. - 6. September 2000, 99 - 101 (download pdf).

  • Andreev, G.V.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    A Branch and Bound Method for Mixed Graph Coloring and Scheduling, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics & Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF 2000), Port of Spain / Trinidad and Tobago, 26. - 28. Juni 2000, Vol. 1, 1 - 8 (download pdf).

  • Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.; Yanushkevich, O.A.:    On the Problem to Minimize the Weighted Number of Late Jobs with Deadlines and Nested Processing Intervals, Doklady National Academy of Science Belarus, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2000, 39 - 42 (in Russisch).

  • Blazewicz, J.; Pesch, E.; Sterna, M.; Werner, F.:    Complexity of Scheduling Problems with Late Work Criteria, in: Brucker, P.; Heitmann, S.; Hurink, J.; Knust, S. (eds.): Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 2000), 17. - 19. April 2000, Osnabrück / Germany, 70 - 72 (download ps).

  • Brucker, P.; Dhaenens-Flipo, C.; Knust, S.; Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.:    Complexity Results for Parallel Machine Scheduling with a Single Server, in: Brucker, P.; Heitmann, S.; Hurink, J.; Knust, S. (eds.): Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 2000), 17. - 19. April 2000, Osnabrück / Germany, 82 - 84 (download ps).

  • Shakhlevich, N.V.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.,    Mixed Shop Scheduling Problems, in: Brucker, P.; Heitmann, S.; Hurink, J.; Knust, S. (eds.): Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS 2000), 17. - 19. April 2000, Osnabrück / Germany, 249 - 251 (download ps).

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: Peter Brucker, Scheduling Algorithms, Springer, 1998, ISBN 5-340-64105-X; OPTIMA, No. 64, Mathematical Programming Society Newsletter, 2000, p. 17.


  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Tautenhahn, T.; Werner, F.:    On the Application of Insertion Techniques for Job Shop Problems with Setup Times, RAIRO Rech. Oper., 33, No. 2, 1999, 209 - 245.

  • Shakhlevich, N.V.; Sotskov, Yu.N.; Werner, F.:    Shop-Scheduling Problems with Fixed and Non-fixed Machine Orders of the Jobs, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 92, 1999, 281 - 304.

  • Danneberg, D.; Tautenhahn, T.; Werner, F.:    A Comparison of Heuristic Algorithms for Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Batch Setup Times and Limited Batch Size, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 29, 1999, No. 9, 101 - 126.

  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Werner, F.:   On the Solution of 2-Machine Flow and Open Shop Scheduling Problems with Secondary Criteria, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics & Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF 99), Aguas de Lindoia / Brazil, 18 - 20 August 1999, Vol. 1, MW 4-1 -- MW 4-6 (download pdf).

  • Kravchenko, S.V.; Werner, F.:   Scheduling On Parallel Machine Problems with Single and Multiple Servers, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics & Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF 99), Aguas de Lindoia / Brazil, 18 - 20 August 1999, Vol. 1, MW 4-13 -- MW 4-18 (download pdf).

  • Gupta, J.N.D.; Lauff, V.; Werner, F.:   On the Solution of 2-Machine Flow Shop Problems with a Common Due Date, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics & Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF 99), Aguas de Lindoia / Brazil, 18 - 20 August 1999, Vol. 1, MW 4-19 -- MW 4-23 (download pdf).


  • Sotskov, Yu.N.; Wagelmans, A.P.M.; Werner, F.:    On the Calculation of the Stability Radius of an Optimal or an Approximate Schedule, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 83, 1998, 213 - 252.

  • Bräsel, H.; Werner, F. (Gasteditoren):  Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems; Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 83, 1998, 289 S.

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Tanaev, V.S.; Werner, F.:    On the Stability Radius of an Optimal Schedule: a Survey and Recent Developments, in: Industrial Applications of Combinatorial Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 16, Boston, MA, 1998, 72 - 108.

  • Brucker, P.; Kovalyov, M.Y.; Shafransky, Y.M.; Werner, F.:    Batch Scheduling with Deadlines on Parallel Machines, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 83, 1998, 23 - 40.

  • Krüger, K.; Sotskov, T.; Werner, F.:   Heuristics for Generalized Shop Scheduling Problems Based on Decomposition, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 36, 1998, No. 11, 3013 - 3033 (Q1 in 'Operations Research & Management Science', 'Engineering, Industrial' and 'Engineering, Manufacturing').

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: Blazewicz, J.; Ecker, K.H., Pesch, E.; Schmidt, G. and Weglarz, J., Scheduling Computer and Manufacturing Processes, Springer, 1996, ISBN 3-540-61496-6; Optimization, Vol. 43, 1998, 385 - 388.

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: Padberg, M.W..; Rijal, M.P., Location, Scheduling, Design and Integer Programming, Intern. Series in OR and Management Science 3. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996, ISBN 0-7923-9715-0; Optimization, Vol. 43, 1998, 392 - 393.


  • Brucker, P.; Hurink, J.; Werner, F.:    Improving Local Search Heuristics for Some Scheduling Problems. Part II, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 72, 1997, 47 - 69.

  • Kovalyov, M.Y.; Werner, F.:    A Polynomial Approximation Scheme for Problem F2|r_j|C_max, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1997, 75 - 79.

  • Gordon, V.S.; Potapneva, E.; Werner, F.:    Single Machine Scheduling with Deadlines, Release and Due Dates, Optimization, Vol. 42, 1997, 219 - 244.

  • Sotskov, Y.N.; Sotskova, N.Y.; Werner, F.:    Stability of an Optimal Schedule in a Job Shop, OMEGA, Vol. 25, 1997, No. 4, 397 - 414.

  • Lai, T.C.; Sotskov, Yu.N.; Sotskova, N.Yu.; Werner, F.:    Optimal Makespan Scheduling with Given Bounds of Processing Times, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1997, 67 - 86.

  • Kravchenko, S.V.; Werner, F.:   On Parallel Machine Problems with a Single Server, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 26, 1997, No. 12, 1 - 11.


  • Shakhlevich, N.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    An Adaptive Algorithm for Minimizing the Makespan by Means of the Mixed Graph Model, IEE Proceedings on Control Theory and Applications, 1996, Vol. 143, No. 1, 9 - 16.

  • Sotskov, Yu.N.; Tautenhahn, T.; Werner, F.:    Heuristics for Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling with Batch Setup Times, OR Spektrum, Vol. 18, 1996, 67 - 80.

  • Brucker, P.; Hurink, J.; Werner, F.:    Improving Local Search Heuristics for Some Scheduling Problems - I, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 65, 1996, No. 1 - 3, 97 - 122.

  • Gordon, V.S.; Potapneva, E.; Werner, F.:    Single Machine Scheduling with Deadlines, Release and Due Dates, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation ETFA'96, Kauai / Hawaii, 18. - 21. November 1996, Vol. 1, 22 - 26.

  • Bräsel, H.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F:   Stability of a Schedule Minimizing Mean Flow Time; Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 24, 1996, 39 - 56.

  • Bräsel, H.; Kluge, D.; Werner, F.:  Polynomial Time Algorithms for Special Open Shop Problems with Precedence Constraints and Unit Processing Times; RAIRO Operations Research, Vol. 30, 1996, 65 - 79.

  • Gordon, V.S.; Werner, F.:    A Parallel Algorithm for a Single Machine Preemptive Scheduling Problem with Special Cost Functions, in: Klaus Ecker, Jörg Apsel, Torsten Ripke (Eds.), Workshop über Parallelverarbeitung, Lessach / Österreich, 25.9. - 29.9.95, Informatik-Bericht 96/1, TU Clausthal, 1996, 59 - 65.

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: Tanaev, V.S.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Strusevitch, V.A., Scheduling Theory, Multi-Stage Systems. Mathematics and its Applications. 285. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994, ISBN 0-7923-2854-X; Optimization, Vol. 37, 1996, 192 - 194.

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: Brucker, P., Scheduling Algorithms, Springer, 1995, ISBN 3-540-60087-6; Optimization, Vol. 38, 1996, 201 - 203.


  • Bräsel, H.; Kluge, D.; Werner, F.:  A Polynomial Algorithm for an Open Shop Problem with Unit Processing Times and Tree Constraints; Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 59, 1995, 11 - 21.

  • Werner, F.; Winkler, A.:    Insertion Techniques for the Heuristic Solution of the Job Shop Problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 58, 1995, No. 2, 191 - 211.

  • Gorokh, O.; Werner, F.:    A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for a New Class of Linear Inequalities, Optimization, Vol. 33, 1995, 43 - 55.

  • Kravchenko, S.A.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:    Optimal Schedules with Infinitely Large Stability Radius, Optimization, Vol. 33, 1995, 271 - 280.

  • Azhanarok, E.; Gordon, V., Werner, F.:    Single Machine Preemptive Scheduling with Special Cost Functions, Optimization, Vol. 34, 1995, 271 - 286.

  • Gordon, V.; Werner, F.:    A Parallel Scheduling Algorithm to Minimize Maximum Cost, Proceedings of the INRIA/IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation ETFA'95, Paris / France, 10. - 13. Oktober 1995, 659 - 665.

  • Krüger, K.; Shakhlevich, N.; Sotskov, Y.N.; Werner, F.:   A Decomposition Algorithm for Scheduling Problems on Mixed Graphs, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 46, 1995, 1481 - 1497.

  • Gorokh, O.V.; Werner, F.:    On the Solution of Determinantal Systems of Linear Inequalities, Optimization, Vol. 35, 1995, 301 - 316.

  • Werner, F.:    Book Review: Tanaev, V.S.; Gordon, V.S.; Shafransky, Y.M., Scheduling Theory, Single-Stage Systems. Mathematics and its Applications 284. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994, ISBN 0-7923-2853-1; Optimization, Vol. 35, 1995, 291 - 292.


  • Bräsel, H.; Kluge, D.; Werner, F.:  A Polynomial Algorithm for the n|m|O,t_ij=1,tree|C_max Open-Shop Problem; European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 72, 1994, 125 - 134.


  • Bräsel, H.; Tautenhahn, T.; Werner, F.:   Heuristic Constructive Algorithms for the n|m|O|C_max Problem; Computing, Vol. 51, 1993, 95 - 110.

  • Werner, F.:    On the Heuristic Solution of the Permutation Flow Shop Problem by Path Algorithms, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 20, 1993, No. 7, 707 - 722.

  • Werner, F.:    A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Minimizing Weighted Completion Times with Deadlines, Optimization, Vol. 28, 1993, 187 - 199.

  • Brucker, P.; Jurisch, B.; Tautenhahn, T.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling Unit Time Open Shops to Minimize the Weighted Number of Late Jobs, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 14, 1993, 245 - 250.

  • Brucker, P.; Hurink, J.; Werner, F.:    Improving Neighborhoods for Local Search Heuristics - Part I, Proceedings of the 16th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 5. - 9. Juli 1993, Compiegne / Frankreich, Vol. 1, 381 - 383 (download pdf).

  • Brucker, P.; Hurink, J.; Werner, F.:    Improving Neighborhoods for Local Search Heuristics - Part II, Proceedings of the 16th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 5. - 9. Juli 1993, Compiegne / Frankreich, Vol. 1, 385 - 388 (download pdf).

  • Brucker, P.; Jurisch, B.; Tautenhahn, T.; Werner, F.:    Scheduling Unit Time Open Shops to Minimize the Weighted Number of Late Jobs, Proceedings of the 16th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 5. - 9. Juli 1993, Compiegne / Frankreich, Vol. 2, 649 - 652.


  • Werner, F.:    Some Relations Between Neighbourhood Graphs for a Permutation Problem, Optimization, Vol. 22, 1991, No. 2, 297 - 306.

  • Werner, F.:    On the Combinatorial Structure of the Permutation Flow Shop Problem, ZOR - Methods and Models of Operations Research, Vol. 35, 1991, No. 4, 273 - 289.

  • Werner, F.:    Zur topologischen Struktur von Permutationsmengen, in: Extremalaufgaben der optimalen Planung und Projektierung, Institut für Technische Kybernetik, Minsk / Belarus, 1991, 38 - 45 (in Russisch).


  • Werner, F.:    A Locally Optimal Insertion Heuristic for a One-Machine Scheduling Problem, RAIRO Oper. Research, Vol. 24, 1990, No. 3, 255 - 262.

  • Bräsel, H.; Werner, F.:  The job-shop problem - modelling by latin rectangles, exact and heuristic solution; Proceedings of the 14th IFIP Conference, Leipzig / GDR, Lecture Notes Control Inf. Sci., Vol. 143, 1990, 456 - 465.


  • Werner, F.:    Zur Struktur und näherungsweisen Lösung ausgewählter kombinatorischer Optimierungsprobleme, Dissertation B (Habilitation), TU Magdeburg, 1989.

  • Muchow, D.; Werner, F.:    Zur Quasikonvexität ausgewählter Einmaschinenprobleme, Wiss. Zeitschrift TU Magdeburg, Vol. 33, 1989, Heft 6, 45 - 51 (download pdf).

  • Bräsel, H.; Werner, F.:    Zu den ersten wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen des Jugendforscherkollektivs `Kombinatorische Optimierung und Reihenfolgeplanung', Wiss. Zeitschrift TU Magdeburg, Vol. 33, 1989, Heft 6, 38 - 40 (in German).


  • Werner, F.:    Zu einigen Nachbarschaftsstrukturen für Iterationsverfahren zur näherungsweisen Lösung spezieller Reihenfolgeprobleme, Optimization, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1988, 539 - 556.

  • Werner, F.:    Ein adaptives stochastisches Suchverfahren für spezielle Reihenfolgeprobleme, Ekonomicko-Matematicky Obzor, Vol. 24, 1988, H. 1, 50 - 67 (download pdf).


  • Werner, F.:    Zu einigen Nachbarschaftsgraphen für die Entwicklung geeigneter Iterationsverfahren zur näherungsweisen Lösung eines speziellen Permutationsproblems, Wiss. Zeitschrift TU Magdeburg, Vol. 31, 1987, Heft 5, 48 - 54 (download pdf).

  • Werner, F.:    On the Quasi-Convexity of a Special Job Shop Scheduling Problem, Wiss. Zeitschrift TU Magdeburg, Vol. 31, 1987, Heft 5, 43 - 47 (download pdf).


  • Werner, F.:    On the Structure of Special 2-Machine Problems, Seminarbericht Nr. 85, Humboldt Universität Berlin, 1986, 148 - 155.

  • Werner, F.:    On the Method of Interchanging Networks for Permutation Problems, Optimization, Vol. 17, 1986, No. 5, 629 - 642.


  • Werner, F.:    Zur Lösung spezieller Reihenfolgeprobleme, Dissertation, TH Magdeburg, 1984.


  • de Beaux, U.; Seiffart, E.; Werner, F.:    Zur mathematischen Modellierung komplexer Maschinenbelegungsprobleme für den Prozessrechnereinsatz im SKET, Wiss. Zeitschrift TH Magdeburg, Vol. 26, 1982, Heft 3, 33 - 37.

      Akzeptierte Arbeiten   (8)

  • Chalabi, N.E.; Attia, A.; Almazyad, A.S.; Wagdy Mohamed, A.; Werner, F.; Hosseinzadeh, M.; Shokouhifar, M.: MOCBOA: Multi-Obhjective Chef-Based Optimization Algorithm Using Comparative Dominance Relations, erscheint in CMES - Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences, 39 Seiten  (journal impact factor 2023: 2,2; Elsevier CiteScore factor 2023: 3,8).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Operations Research Problems: Theory, Modeling, Algorithms, and Applications, Special Issue in Contemporary Mathematics (CFP)   (6 bereits akzeptierte Arbeiten).

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Goli, A.; Al-qaness, M.A.A.; Werner, F. (eds.): Intelligent Optimization with Soft Computing for Complex Mathematical Problems in Engineering , Special issue in Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing   (CFP).

  • Wagner, G.; Werner, F.; De Rango, F.; (eds.): Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), 10 - 12 July 2024, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Nature, Cham / Switzerland.

  • Werner, F.; Shokouhifar, M. (eds.): Engineering Applications of Discrete Optimization and Scheduling Algorithms, Special Issue in Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences   (CFP).

  • Werner, F.; Shokouhifar, M. (eds.): Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, Special Issue in Computers, Materials & Continua   (CFP).

  • Werner, F.; Kayvanfar, V.: (eds.): Computational Intelligence for Sustainable Operations and Circular Economy, Special Issue in Algorithms   (CFP).

  • Werner, F. (ed.): Advanced Scheduling Techniques: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Special Issue in International Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (CFP).

      Weitere Preprints und Working Papers

  • Gafarov, E.; Lazarev, A.; Werner, F.:    A Modification of Dynamic Programming Algorithms to Reduce the Running Time or/and Complexity (Preprint 20/10, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2010, 24 S.).

  • Bronnikov, S.; Dolgui, A.; Lazarev, A.; Morozov, N.; Petrov, A.; Sadykov, R.; Sologub, A.; Werner, F.; Yadrentsev, D., Musatova, E.; Khusnullin, N.: Approaches for Planning the ISS Cosmonaut Training (Preprint 12/15, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 33 Seiten, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3656.4968).

  • Ni, Y.; Werner, F.:    Performance Analysis of Material Handling Tools for a Discrete Manufacturing System, (Preprint 05/17, FMA, OvGU Magdeburg, 2017, 19 pages).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.: A Polynomial Algorithm for Sequencing Jobs with Release Dates and Delivery Times on Uniform Machines, Preprints 2021, mdpi, 2021010142, 12 Seiten, 2021; DOI: 10.20944/preprints202101.0142.v1 (download pdf).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.; Reynoso, A.: Scheduling a Single Machine with Compressible Jobs to Minimize Maximum Lateness, arxiv:2203.09800, 2022, 20 Seiten (download pdf).

  • Khodabandeh, P.; Kayvanfar, V.; Rafiee, M.; Werner, F.: Home health care planning with considering flexible starting/ending points and service features, arxiv:2205.00921, 2022, 17 Seiten (download pdf).

  • Zabihian-Bisheh, A.; Vandchali, H.R.; Kayvanfar, V.; Werner, F.: A multi-objective sustainable planning for a real hazardous waste production problem, arxiv:2207.01043, 2022, 25 Seiten (download pdf).

  • Kayvanfar, V.; Baziyad, H.; Sheikh, S.; Werner, F.: Efficiency Evaluation of Banks with Many Branches using a Heuristic Framework and Dynamic Data Envelope Optimization Approach: A Real Case Study, arxiv:2209.04822, 2022, 22 Seiten (download pdf).

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Sohrabi, M.; Rabbani, M.; Molana, M.; Werner, F.: Designing a Renewable and Sustainable Fertilizer Supply Chain Network using an Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm, Preprints 2022, mdpi, 2022120432; DOI: 10.20944/preprints202212.0432.v1, 32 Seiten, 2022 (download pdf).

  • Bahmanesh-Fard, N.; Yazdanjouei, H.; Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F.: Mathematical Root Simplification in Operational Amplifiers by an Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Algorithm, Preprints 2023, mdpi, 19 Seiten, 2023; DOI: 10.20944/preprints202302.0163.v1 (download pdf).

  • Chen, M.; Werner, F.; Shokouhifar, M.: Mathematical Modeling and Exact Optimizing of University Course Scheduling Considering Preferences of Professors, Preprint 2023, mdpi, 18 Seiten, 2023; DOI: 10.20944/preprints202303.0139.v1 (download pdf).

  • Gafarov, E.; Werner, F.:    Connected and Autonomous Scheduling Problems: Some Models and Algorithms, arxiv:2304.01806, 2023, 8 Seiten (download pdf).

  • Elidrissi, A.; Benmansour, R.; Hasani, K.; Werner, F.: Scheduling on parallel machines with a common server in charge of loading and unloading operations, arxiv:2306.16669, 2023, 40 Seiten; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2306.16669 (download pdf).

  • Garg, V.; Deep, K.; Alnowibet, K.A.; Wagdy Mohamed, A.; Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F.: Ensemble Laplacian Biogeography-Based Sine Cosine Algorithm for structural engineering design optimization problems, arxiv:2310.05159, 2023, 25 Seiten; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.05159 (download pdf).

  • Kaur, P.; Kaur, K.; Singh, K.; Bharany, S.; Almazyad, A.S.; Xiong, G.; Wagdy Mohamed, A.; Shokouhifar, M.; Werner, F.: EAFSCP: Energy-efficient Artificial Fish Swarm-based Clustering Protocol for Acoustic Monitoring in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, mdpi Preprints, 2023, 18 Seiten; DOI 10.20944/preprints202310.1325.v1 (download pdf).

  • Vakhania, N.; Werner, F.; Ramirez-Fuentes, K.J.; Pacheco-Valencia, V.: An Overview of Some Single Machine Scheduling Problems: Polynomail Algorithms, Complexity, Approximability, Arxiv Preprints, 2024, 21 Seiten; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.18789; (download pdf).

  • Shokouhifar, M.; Hasanvand, M.; Moharamkhani, E.; Werner, F.: EHMFFL: Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Feature Fusion Learning Algorithm for Heart Disease Diagnosis, mdpi Preprints, 2023, 23 Seiten; DOI 10.20944/preprints202310.1945.v1 (download pdf).

  • Abu Falahah, I.; Al-Baik, O.; Alomari, S.; Bektemyssova, G.; Gochhait, S.; Leonova, I.; Malik, O.P.; Werner, F.; Dehghani, M. Frilled Lizard Optimization: A Novel Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems, mdpi preprints, 2024, 43 Seiten DOI 10.20944/preprints202403.0898.v1 (download pdf).

  • Garcia-Mata, C.L.; Burtseva, L.; Werner, F.: Optimal Scheduling for Automated Wetetch Stations with One Robot in Semiconductor Manufacturing via Constraint Answer Set Programming , mdpi preprints, 2024, 19 Seiten; DOI 10.20944/preprints202404.1736.v1 (download pdf).

  • Ben Chihaoui, F.; Werner, F.: Improving Supply Chain Performance by Production Scheduling: A Case Study in a Pharmaceutical Company, Working Paper, 2024, 23 Seiten.

  • Kupriyanov, B.V.; Lazarev, A.A.; Roschin; Werner, F.: On the Recursive Representation of the Permutation Flow Shop Problem and its Extension, mdpi preprints, 2024, 22 Seiten; DOI 10.20944/preprints202411.2070.v1 (download pdf).

  • Hamadneh, T.; Batiha, B.; Werner, F.; Eguchi, K.; Montazeri, Z.; Dehghani, M.: A Completely Different Metaheuristic Approach for Effectively Solving Complex Optimization Problems Across Various Domains, mdpi preprints, 2024, 41 Seiten; DOI: 10.20944/preprints202409.1803.v1 (download pdf).

  • Hamadneh, T.; Batiha, B.; Werner, F.;, Ahmadi Kamarposhti, M.; Colak, I.; Barhoumi, E.M.: Optimization of Reconfiguration and Resource Allocation for Distributed Generation and Capacitor Banks Using NSGA-II: A Multi-Scenario Approach, Working Papper, 2025, 26 Seiten.

  • Nikseresht, A.; Shokouhifar, M:; Goli, A.; Werner, F.: A Three-Stge Hybrid Algorithm for E-Grocery Demand Prediction: Combining Metaheuristoc-Optimized High-Order Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Fractional Brownian Motion, Working Papepr, 2025, 40 Seiten.

    English version        Impressum Last updated: 4 Mar 2025